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主题: [转帖]Are you lost?
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作者 [转帖]Are you lost?   

头衔: 海归少校

头衔: 海归少校
声望: 学员

加入时间: 2004/02/20
文章: 153

海归分: 19126

文章标题: [转帖]Are you lost? (1097 reads)      时间: 2007-3-31 周六, 18:51   

作者:sundin海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

午饭后又独自出去散步。 天气很和暖,我只穿了一件薄毛衣, 双手插在裤兜里,头微微仰着,享受着午后的阳光。我随意地望着高楼之间的天空,很悠闲地踱着步子,思绪在云间漫游。

冷不丁身边传来一个声音:“Are you lost?”


“Oh, no, I am just enjoying the moment.” 我莞尔。其实, I was indeed lost a moment ago - I was lost in my own thoughts.

我指了指前方的一栋高楼:“My office is right there.”

男人也笑了:“So you can’t be lost. My ex-girlfriend’s office is also in that building.”


那个男人的问题却在我脑海里挥之不去:Are you lost?

人生的旅途中,回首长长的来路,面对茫茫的未来,你可曾暂缓急急追赶的脚步,停下来问问自己:“Where am I going? Am I lost?”

想起最近看的一出电影: “A Walk on the Moon” (1999). 我把它连续看了两遍。


电影里Pearl的女儿Anna 发现了Pearl的婚外情,质问她的妈妈:“I am the teenager, not you! You had your chance!”

Pearl说:“No, I didn’t.” Anna 是Pearl第一次和第一个男朋友,也就是如今的丈夫Liev,上床的产物。Anna的出生彻底改变了Pearl和Liev的人生轨迹。

Pearl的婆婆也 发现了Pearl的婚外情, 她问Pearl:“Why? Do you think you are the only one who has dreams that didn’t come true?” 她告诉Pearl,因为Pearl的怀孕,Liev也失去了梦寐以求的上大学的机会。

Liev 得知Pearl的婚外情后,无比痛苦地说:“It is not my dream to work in a shop fixing TVs…It is OK, because I thought I have gotten the most important thing right in my life – I have you. But now I don’t!”

是啊,每个人都有没来得及实现的梦想。但你生命中最重要的是什么?What do you want most?

很多文学电影都表达了这一主题。 So many people don’t know what they want. So many people never give a thought to what they really want. They let other people make decisions for them and conveniently blame others for undesirable consequences. They let themselves trapped in sticky situations. They have no guts to choose, to let go, to hold on, or to stand up.

在“The Horse Whisperer马语者”里,纽约来的大编辑Annie爱上了蒙大拿的牛仔Tom. Tom问Annie:“I know what I want… Do you know what you want?” Annie当时不能答。She was lost then. Sometimes people thought they knew what they want, but actually they don’t. It is not easy to truly know yourself.

今天一个中国男子对我说,he is a developing man from a developing country. 他指的是他的精神世界still developing。

We are all developing, evolving, and awakening. Are you lost during the process?

When you are lost, please take your time and search deeply into your heart: What do you really want for YOUR life?

作者:sundin海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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