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主题: 本人英文习作请指正,(关于老唐的)谢谢!
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作者 本人英文习作请指正,(关于老唐的)谢谢!   
momotaro 70

头衔: 海归上校

头衔: 海归上校
声望: 教授
性别: 性别:男年龄: 44
加入时间: 2010/01/26
文章: 206

海归分: 76235

文章标题: 本人英文习作请指正,(关于老唐的)谢谢! (1169 reads)      时间: 2010-7-21 周三, 14:20   

作者:momotaro 70海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Unveiling Emperor’s new clothes

A recent event fermenting in China’s web world has no peers in the past for its sensational impact on the issue of business ethic. All the more surprising, this time it is not about abysmal stories on poisoned milk powder or cooking oil recycled from sewage wastes, but about a success story turning into a mockery. Tang Jun, the CEO of a giant publicly traded software company, found himself getting bogged down in a mire of scandalous allegations involving some fabrications in his professional credentials. Praised as a quintessential of personal success and wealth, Mr. Tang, with his impressive upper level managerial experience at Microsoft, suave and sophisticated appearance unusual for the average Chinese businessmen of these days, was once crowned by media with the title of “China’s working Emperor”. Now, it seems that the Emperor himself is about to be abdicated as result of his glory fading away when another legendary web figure, Mr. Fang Zhou-Zhi, revealing in his blog articles the alleged fabrications in Mr. Tang’s educational background and his seemingly impeccable business experience as a self made managerial genius.
It all starts from a book written by Mr. Tang titled “My success can be duplicated”. In the book, Mr. Tang revealed to readers his personal story which started at a small town in southern China, and all way ended up with a top executive position at Microsoft. The book quickly made the best selling list as millions Chinese youths were looking for an icon of individual success in this era of materialism prevailing in China’s society. Mr. Tang‘s story seemed to be both impeccable and utterly inspirational at first glance. However, his educational background which was said to include doctoral degrees from some top notch universities in United States and Japan fueled the suspicion and eventually led to an embarrassing ending of his legend. His innovation stories involving several patents in computer software and animation business were equally impressive, and for the same reason, raised questions. Mr. Tang’s Achilles heel was first detected by Mr. Fang, well known for his reputation as a fraud fighter in China, while reading his book and began to question the truthfulness behind Mr. Tang’s impressive, if not fairly tale like, stories of success.

It did not take Mr. Fang too much effort to find out that most of the claims in Mr. Tang’s stories do not hold water. An inquiry to the registrar office of Caltech quickly confirmed that there was no such person with the last name of Tang had ever been awarded with a doctorial degree in electronic engineering or computer science. As a matter of fact, the engineering school at Caltech never had anyone with last name of Tang who was ever rewarded with a doctorial degree in its history. The findings in Mr. Tang’s other claims were equally discouraging when the patents claimed by Mr. Tang were found to be registered by a Japanese woman.

Facing these allegations, Mr. Tang, for a week, chose to remain silent. Whether he decided to purposely ignore the allegations due to shame, or was stunned by them because of anger, was still unknown. Just at the moment when people were about to be exhausted by this seemingly boring intermission, the whole drama took a sharp turn which led to its climax when Mr. Tang finally broke the silence about a week later by granting a radio interview. During the interview, Mr. Tang, besides a vehement and categorical denial of all Mr. Fang’s allegations, labeling them as false statements and vicious slanders, also presented the public a copy of his doctorial diploma. According to Mr. Tang, he had in fact been awarded with a doctorial degree in electronic engineering, though not from the well known Caltech, but from a school named “Pacific Western University”. The drollness of this scandal reached its climax when the so called “Pacific Western University” was found out to be nothing but a “degree mill” selling unaccredited diplomat at price about $ 2000 per piece.
As part of the Mr. Tang’s defense plan, he threatened to pursue legal actions against Mr. Fang for these “scandalous allegations” to which he referred as pure fabrications and utterly groundless. This act did not seem to help Mr. Tang getting out of this nightmare since Mr. Fang was a veteran in dealing with threat such as this. Mr. Tang refused to acknowledge that he had ever made a statement saying he was a Caltech graduate, and attributed the false information to the mistakes by the publisher of his book. Yet the online version of his book, as well as the his resume on his web site, both have unambiguously stated that Mr. tang holds a doctorial degree in electronic engineering from Caltech.

Now, the whole event did not seem to be working for Mr. Tang’s interest. Were it happened in the West; a scandal such as this could have ruined the career of a top executive. The core of the debate is not about the whether Mr. Tang have a postgraduate degree or not, but about whether he is trustworthy of being a public figure and a top business executive. Even after most of his claims being found out to be bogus, Mr. Tang, calm and confident as usual, did not show a threat of regret and never apologized on what he had done that might be considered unethical. Instead, he assured the media that he would not consider resign, and as a gesture of protest, would put down the title of Dr. on his name card in the future.

It is still too early to say what kind of impact this event will have on the business world in China. Despite the negative effect that tarnished the reputation of Mr. Tang as a managerial guru, it can hardly have any serious effect on the overall business practice in China, a place where business ethic and honesty are anything but unknown. Most likely, just like other scandals in the past, it will be slowly fading away as people resume to their animal spirits of materialism which has been the social norm in today’s Chinese society.
One last stroke in the whole Mr. Tang’s degree scandal, further investigations on Pacific Western University alumni club reveal a list of several dozens of Mr. Tang’s classmates in China. Most of them are top corporate executives and government officials of various responsibilities. In the after wake of this event, a wave of revising on -line executive resumes has been surreptitiously going on in China’s web world following this ethical earthquake unleashed by a simple message posted on Mr. Fang’s personal blog. The updated information also indicated that Mr. Tang’s alma mater, the Pacific Western University, had ceased to exist as the Californian state government launched a campaign several years ago to shut down the “degree mills” in that State. In the year 2006, PWU changed its ownership and was renamed California Miriam University; a school offering various postgraduate degrees on a “pay to get” basis. No doctorial degrees, however, will be awarded from this school any more, thus making Mr. Tang’s degree the last version of its kind and all the more valuable from a collector’s standpoint.

作者:momotaro 70海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

本人英文习作请指正,(关于老唐的)谢谢! 海归酒吧 2010-7-21 周三, 14:59
本人英文习作请指正,(关于中国问题)谢谢! 海归茶馆 2010-7-21 周三, 17:38
本人英文习作请指正,(关于中国问题)谢谢! 海归酒吧 2010-7-21 周三, 15:40
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[原创]英文特别流利的,经验浅的 it 人士请进!!! 海归职场 2008-10-21 周二, 14:44
[请求帮助]谁有比较好的戏剧剧本?英文的?请告诉我,好吗?谢谢! 海归茶馆 2007-9-18 周二, 23:40
一著名欧洲商会深圳分会招商务助理一名, 英文好者请速应聘! 海归论坛 2005-9-12 周一, 17:39
求助:“美国总统贸易与谈判顾问委员会”的英文名字是什么?(请不要把中文翻译... 海归论坛 2005-4-24 周日, 18:15

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