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主题: [原创]功夫's guide to Macau (英文版)(精美照片)
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作者 [原创]功夫's guide to Macau (英文版)(精美照片)   

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
声望: 专家
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2004/02/21
文章: 6733
来自: 美国,加拿大,中国
海归分: 531677

文章标题: [原创]功夫's guide to Macau (英文版)(精美照片) (2457 reads)      时间: 2006-2-16 周四, 13:52   

作者:功夫王海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Located on the south east coast of the China, Macau was ruled by the Protégées until it returned to the Chinese rule in 1999. The strong Protégés influence is still witnessed from the architecture, laws and regulations to cuisine.

Macau is a clean city. Littering is heavily fined. Macau is a wealthy city. The average income for an office worker is around 8000 HKD/month. The official language in Macau is English and Protégés. Shop owners until recently have been speaking in Cantonese. Now, most of them have to speak in Chinaese. The signs are in Chinese and spoken language becomes Putong Hua. Chinese RMB is welcomed in every shops, restaurants and casinos and the money exchangers are in every corner of the street.

Macau is a sin city. The two things that you can do there are: gambling and adult entertainment.

If you have been to Las Vegas, Macau is not nearly impressive. The gambling industry was once controlled by tycoon Stanley Ho with his most famous hotel casino: Hotel Lisboa. Now, his daughter is bringing expertise and investment from Las Vegas to build newer and better hotels. All these new development has only one purpose: to attract richer and less sophisticated sinner from the main land. The new development such as Rio and much less impressive nor extravagant than those of the Las Vegas counterparts. But, Macau is only 1 hour away from HK, ShenZhen and cross the boarder of ZhuHai. The people there are yellow skin. Macau in the long run will have only one purpose to exist that is serve the Chinese and Southeast Asia clients.

Adult Entertainment:
The fun is not complete with out adult entertainment. The industry is purposely designed for men which has obvious Chinese heritage. The services offered are: sauna, message, erotic shows and prostitution. Every hotel offers sauna and message services which are really prostitution. The largest concentration of girls is in Hotel Lisboa. The ground floor of Hotel Lisboa is filled with small shops and coffee bars. The girls are walking around to be viewed and selected by clients. They are very easy to be spotted as every one is wearing high hill and carries a small hand bag. If you lock your eye on any of them, they will come over to you and ask :yao bu yao. Chinese: do you want it? Girls in Hotel Lisboa rents room from the hotel and the once the cost and service are agreed upon, she brings you to the room upstairs. Sauna and message offers the same service except the girls there are picked by photo book or with a telescope viewed upclose personel or in a fish bowl tank.

The two places to go for erotic shows are in Playboy club and Darling Sauna. The show in Darling sauna starts at 7pm and costs 390 HKD. The performers are from all over the world, such as Thailand, Korea and Russia. 1 hour real person show and 1 hour strip tease. Again too expensive when you can get the much better quality strip tease next to nothing in western countries such as the US and Canada.

Recommend activities:
1: Take a tricycle tour around the city. Cost is 200 HKD and tips additional. The ride is very relaxing and you can ask the driver to stop in order for you to take pictures.

2: Visit the Macau tower at night. 70 HKD will get you to the top of this 334m tower. From the observation deck you can see the panoramic view of the city and the star islands that are connected to the Macau Island by bridges.

3: Preview the girls at the Hotel Lisboa. Sipping a cup coffee in one of the coffee bars and watching hundreds of girls dress-up and walking around to look for clients is a true eye opener
4: Take a boat tour around the Macau Island. The best bout tour is actually organized in the ZhuHai which is located across the bridge in Main Land China. The tour is 1.5 hours and it takes you around the Macau Island.

5: Visit the Macau Museum. Situated on the top of the mountain, Macau museum was once a garrison. The cannons are still lying around aimlessly pointed to the Bank of China tower (a real laughing matter and perhaps bad luck for the bank). From the platform, you can see the new and old building of the Macau Island.

6: Walk the street and witness the development of the city. The only way to truly experience the people and feel the pulse of the city is to walk the city street.

Macau is connected by speed boat from ShenZhen, Hong Kong and by bridge to ZhuHai. The boat from ShenZhen,s SheKou pier runs every two – three hours and it costs 120 HKD each trip. The latest boat that leaves Macau to ShenZhen is 610pm and earlist is 10am. The boat runs 24 hours from Macau to Hong Kong but from a different pier.

Money Maters:
Macau welcomes every type of currency on earth. The money exchangers are every where. If you are a Chinese, you are lucky as you can take your debit card and use it to withdraw HKD from a teller machine. No money exchange needed.

Macau Island is a pretty small place. Much like the Las Vegas strip, the hotels are located within 2 km. The walk-in cost of a room is expensive. Go and book a room from hundreds of the travel agencies on the street. A standard room in Hotel Lisoa runs around 900 HKD and the ones in Holiday Inn runs around 550 HKD.

Macau does not have its own cuisine. A perfec day starts with a a hotel offered buffet for breakfast, a Cantonese dinson and a Pozigiez cuisine for lunch and end with a nice western style dinner.

作者:功夫王海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

[原创]功夫's guide to Macau (英文版) (并付精美照片) 海归论坛 2006-2-16 周四, 13:54
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  • [原创]功夫's guide to Macau (英文版)(精美照片) -- 功夫王 - (6337 Byte) 2006-2-16 周四, 13:52 (2457 reads)
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