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主题: 新闻集团的下一步棋怎么走?   www.guardian.co.uk
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作者 新闻集团的下一步棋怎么走?   www.guardian.co.uk   

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加入时间: 2005/06/17
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文章标题: 新闻集团的下一步棋怎么走?   www.guardian.co.uk (477 reads)      时间: 2005-8-02 周二, 12:09   

作者:猪八戒海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

What next for News Corp?

Arise, James, as the likely successor to the Murdoch empire, now that Lachlan, the eldest son, has stepped out of the picture. By Claire Cozens and Chris Tryhorn

Friday July 29, 2005

Little more than a month ago, Rupert Murdoch left a gathering of the great and the good in the newspaper industry in little doubt about his succession plans when he delivered a reading at St Bride's Church in Fleet Street extolling the virtues of family.
Just five weeks on and the 74-year-old News Corp proprietor is in danger of running out of family members to whom he can hand over his empire after his eldest son, Lachlan, stood down from his job at the family firm.

With Elisabeth Murdoch now running her own production company, Shine, the decision leaves James Murdoch, the 32-year-old chief executive of BSkyB, in pole position to take over from his father. Alternatively, the News Corp overlord could hang on for another 15 years or so until one of his two children with his wife, Wendi Deng - toddlers Grace and Chloe - are old enough to take over. Stranger things have happened.

Viewed by many as the favoured successor in recent years, James Murdoch's response to awkward questions about the succession has been to quip that his father believes himself to be immortal.

But his older brother's apparent decision to rule himself out of the running will force him to come up with a more convincing response in the future.

Media observers have long believed that Murdoch senior set the pair off on a race to determine who would succeed him, and initially it appeared that Lachlan was well ahead.

James's appointment to BSkyB was initially mired in controversy, with many investors raising concerns about "nepotism" and complaining that a relatively inexperienced 30-year-old was taking the helm at a FTSE-100 company.

Although a shareholder rebellion was crushed at the company's 2003 annual general meeting, it was hardly the most auspicious start to the new chief executive's reign.

Suspicion lingered that Mr Murdoch was not ready for the job after the company's share price fell 20% in a single day, in August last year, when he unveiled plans for increased investment.

But in spite of that setback, he has grown in stature over the past year and has presided over continued growth in Sky's subscriber numbers, which remain on target to hit 8 million by the end of 2005.

James has also appeared in recent months to be in tune with his father's vision for the future of the company. When Rupert Murdoch declared recently in a speech to American newspaper editors that they must face up to the internet or perish, his younger son responded by saying that this was what some people - i.e. he - had been saying for years.

He took an early interest in the internet, founding News Corp's digital media arm. But he was said to have been frustrated by his inability to whip up much enthusiasm for the web at News Corp during the dotcom boom of the late 1990s.

His successful stint running Star, News Corp's satellite broadcasting bridgehead into Asia, convinced many in the industry that he is his father's son.

And an early rebellion, in which he dyed his hair blond, dropped out of college and launched a record label that later had to be rescued by his father, appears not to have harmed his relationship with Rupert. The pair reportedly speak on the telephone every day - and will no doubt have found much to talk about today.

作者:猪八戒海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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