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主题: The truth about anti Japanese sentiment in China
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作者 The truth about anti Japanese sentiment in China   


文章标题: The truth about anti Japanese sentiment in China (591 reads)      时间: 2005-3-21 周一, 11:08      

作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

The truth about anti Japanese sentiment in China
Kenji Asahara

Among few things that incite Chinese nerve, animosity toward Japan and Japanese people undeniably is the most eminent one. Chinese seem unable to get themselves out of the historical nightmare and face the future. Resentment toward Japan is not an issue related only to history; rather it is more of a reflection of reality which Chinese are reluctant to accept. Japan is way ahead of China in virtually every aspect of social and economic development, from culture to economy and education. Many Chinese would happily smuggle themselves into Japan and work as coolies and prostitutes instead of staying in China. In many part of Japan, Chinese is the synonym for criminals, prostitutes, and other type of public nuisances. Of course, in order to save their face, Chinese could always resort to their traditional ways, namely lying and covering up, to deceive themselves and others. If we take a close look at modern Chinese history, we will be less enthusiastic in figuring out the cause of this type resentment. After all, modern Chinese history has been a stunning chronicle of human suffering, full of humiliation inflicted by foreigners and failure and abuse by its own rulers.

The unbearable fact to Chinese is that Japan has resurrected twice in modern history, first during Meiji restoration and second after WWII as a global economic power. In the shadow of economic giant of Japan, China saw its limitations and suffered from the pain of sever inferiority complex. No dazzling camouflages could cover up the mediocre and failure of the current Chinese regime. By all standards, from GDP per capita to literacy rate and medical condition, China proudly triumphs itself in the competition of most backward countries in this world. What attenuates the situation is that Chinese ruling class, who is so preoccupied with its own survivability, does not seem to have a solid and visionary plan for the economic development. No one can predict when or if china is going to collapse. One thing for sure is that the problems accumulated during past two decades must find a way to vent. When this occurs, it will not be pretty. China might not collapse because Chinese have learned to endure the unbearable. To survive only for the sake of survival embodies the source of real evil because it has neglected the true reason of our existence: living a life with honor and dignity.
To debunk Chinese economic myth we must review some facts. Otherwise, we may be easily tantalized by the excessive rhetoric praising China as rising economic star while neglecting the real ugly picture. Managerial effectiveness is measured by results not by words, there is no need to demonize Chinese or diminish Chinese’s achievements. Only lies need endless cosmetic decoration to hide its odor. Facts do not need any embellishment because they can stand by themselves. Chinese government can distort and fabricate numbers but it can not hide the devastating reality in Chinese society. After being fed up with so many legends about China, it is the high time to restore the truth to China and Chinese situation. A solid investment strategy could not solely rest on the belief in potentials as Chinese promoters constantly try to induce people to buy in. It must base on proven record and scrupulous facts. Careful analysis shows China is not as important as people thought to be. Most people might not know is the fact that China consists only a small portion of total investment of the advanced countries such as Japan and US. As matter of fact, most foreign investment comes form oversea Chinese.

In modern history, China has experienced from one chaos to another, from civil wars to chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution. History, from Chinese perspective, does not appear to be a process of evolution in which a force, either natural or supernatural, acted upon man, but a daunting circle of stagnation without end. It appears that Chinese are incapable of adapting any rational way to resolve an issue, whether it is political or economic one. Chinese opt to resort to conspiracy and violence to reach their goal. Chinese, blindfolded by their egotistic mentality, fail to properly understand the nature of other countries. Average Chinese gain their knowledge of Japan mostly from low quality war movies and ill oriented political propagandas.
Facing historical challenge, China and Japan acted differently. Japan managed to seize the opportunity and developed into a modern country. China failed almost every attempt to enter into civilized community, mostly owing to its reluctances and resistance to change. If Japan followed the same suit as China did, indulging in a self deception and refusing to change, history will be rewritten. Japan will be one of the poorest nations on this earth because of the shortage of natural resources. Most importantly, Asia’s hope of entering into civilized epoch is permanently doomed because it lacks of a proper model of modernization to follow. Japan has no choice but to rise up. China has to suffer because this is the price it has to pay for being lazy and stubborn.

China and Japan are neighbors but share very little in common. China has experienced more than two thousands years of totalitarian regime. A centralized government controls virtually everything. It is hard to start any change under this kind of system. Chinese society up until this day has been characterized by a structure of government above society. Majority of the resources either economic or cultural is in the hands of elite’s class who is at same time also part the ruling class of that nation.

The union of economic and political force hampers the progress of Chinese society because it destined for corruption and redundancy. The ruling class, who at the same time is also the economic elites, saw no necessity to initiate a change that might jeopardize their own interest. If change could not come from above because ruling class lacks of initiative, it must come from other direction. Being lazy and dependent people, Chinese never learned how to manage themselves in a lawful and civilized way. A group emotional rabble must find a demigod to give them guidance because they could not think for themselves. Not surprisingly, Chinese society was always ruled by thugs and criminals in disguise of great leaders. Quite often their divine inspiration, such as Chairman Mao’s quotation, usually sows the seed of crime and disaster of unprecedented scale.
Backward economic foundation ensures obsolete the political system, and latter usually reinforces the existence of former in a reciprocal manner. China is neither a socialist society described by Marxist doctrine nor a genuine capitalist society by any western standard. Chinese society is a unique and bizarre combination of past and future, a faucet of sorrow and desperation. Mao‘s utopian socialism created nothing but disaster, he never understood how modern society should function itself. Class struggle is not the only mechanism through which society evolves itself. Social development must rest on the basis of improving people’s livelihood which in turn depends on economic development. The basic elements of Chinese mentality require a totalitarian or fascist government to unify its people, albeit the suffering from the abusive effect of this type of regime. China needs a thorough revolution to resurrect itself. China must adapt socialism to save itself claimed by many scholars. What they forget is the fact that there is no foundation for socialism to base on. Revolution fueled by irrational impulsion could not last long and could have negative effect once it gets out of control and devours its own child. China could not have evolved into a socialist society directly from a backward agrarian society. It is rather difficult to come up with a precise description for current Chinese society because it defies conventional wisdom. The best we can think of is a society dominated by a totalitarian regime riddled with corruption and unregulated primitive capitalism fueled by greed and cruelty. Totalitarian regimes, worried about its stability, make sure the society and people staying in a stage of permanent ignorance and poverty. Chinese situation seems to be a vicious and hopeless circle until there is a breaking point.

Historically, Japan was in a feudal society somehow resembling to that of the western European in the medieval time. Feudal Japan was consisted of hundreds small lords, each with its own administrative system. Emperor was only a symbolic figure but did not have actual authority over domestic affairs. Unlike China, Japanese society enjoys far more freedom and individuality through out of history. Japan was not a close society as many scholars believe but a lively and active one ready to explore new things. It did not take a super hero to start a social campaign like Meiji restoration because the society was already in the process of change. What it takes is a signal from above to formally declare what has already been going on. China, on the other hand, appeared to be in a sleepy stagnation. Japan surpassing and defeating China in the competition of modernization is no accident but a logical result of accumulative effect.

作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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