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主题: 其实美国朝野对日本的野蛮军国史非常清楚,罗斯福视珍珠港事件为国耻。美国前驻日大使
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作者 其实美国朝野对日本的野蛮军国史非常清楚,罗斯福视珍珠港事件为国耻。美国前驻日大使   

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
声望: 院士
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2004/11/05
文章: 12941

海归分: 491633

文章标题: 其实美国朝野对日本的野蛮军国史非常清楚,罗斯福视珍珠港事件为国耻。美国前驻日大使 (2114 reads)      时间: 2014-2-12 周三, 06:11   

作者:ceo/cfo海归主坛 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

曾经说过,如果一旦日军侵入美国,它就会像在其他国家那样 bombing, burming, looting, raping... 炸,烧,抢,奸。

去年底纽约时报评论,日本明治维新期间就对中国钓鱼岛感兴趣。1895年打败中国后作为战利品之一,夺走非常靠近台湾的钓鱼岛。以下是英文,连接。 Very Happy

Nicholas Kristof, columnist of the New York Times, has this to say in defense of the Chinese peoples' claim to this small rocks located almost at the doorstep of the northern part of Taiwan:

https://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/05/opinion/kristof-todays-hatfields-and-m... "Today’s Hatfields and McCoys" Dec 4,2013 'China actually has a reasonable claim to the Diaoyu Islands... The strongest evidence comes from Japanese government documents of the Meiji era, referring to the islands as China’s and scheming to grab them — which is what Japan did when China was weak in 1895. It renamed the islands the Senkakus.'

In the story, clicking 'a reasonable claim to the Diaoyu Islands' gives you this further l<x>ink:
"The Inconvenient Truth Behind the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands" By HAN-YI SHAW 9-19-2012'

In which he says, 'The United States claims to be neutral but in effect is siding with Japan, and we could be drawn in if a war ever arose.... on balance I find the evidence for Chinese sovereignty quite compelling. The most interesting evidence is emerging from old Japanese government documents and suggests that Japan in effect stole the islands from China in 1895 as booty of war. This article by Han-Yi Shaw, a scholar from Taiwan, explores those documents. I invite any Japanese scholars to make the contrary legal case. – Nicholas Kristof'

'Despite that the rest of the world sees a major dispute, the Japanese government continues to evade important historical facts behind its unlawful incorporation of the islands in 1895.'
Specifically, the Japanese government asserts, “From 1885 on, our government conducted on-site surveys time and again, which confirmed that the islands were uninhabited and there were no signs of control by the Qing Empire.”

My research of over 40 official Meiji period documents unearthed from the Japanese National Archives, Diplomatic Records Office, and National Institute for Defense Studies Library clearly demonstrates that the Meiji government acknowledged Chinese ownership of the islands back in 1885.

“Surveys of the islands are incomplete” wrote the new Okinawa governor in January of 1892. He requested that a naval ship Kaimon be sent to survey the islands, but ultimately a combination of miscommunication and bad weather made it impossible for the survey to take place.
“Ever since the islands were investigated by Okinawa police agencies back in 1885, there have been no subsequent field surveys conducted,” the Okinawa governor wrote in 1894.

After a number of Chinese defeats in the Sino-Japanese War, a report from Japan’s Home Ministry said “this matter involved negotiations with China… but the situation today is greatly different from back then.” The Meiji government, following a cabinet decision in early 1895, promptly incorporated the islands.

Negotiations with China never took place and this decision was passed during the Sino-Japanese War. It was never made public.'

"Collectively, these official documents leave no doubt that the Meiji government did not ba<x>se its occupation of the islands following “on-site surveys time and again,” but instead annexed them as booty of war. This is the inconvenient truth that the Japanese government has conveniently evaded." '


甲午战争后,日本原想推翻清廷,扶植李鸿章当儿皇帝,也就是后来满洲国溥仪的原版。 Evil or Very Mad 老李不肯,立马把来客送到的书信烧了。这可是灭九族的祸事 Mr. Green

作者:ceo/cfo海归主坛 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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