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主题: Tieto北京招聘Web Developer-Front End Engineer
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作者 Tieto北京招聘Web Developer-Front End Engineer   

头衔: 海归少校

头衔: 海归少校

性别: 性别:女
加入时间: 2008/10/07
文章: 60

海归分: 12726

文章标题: Tieto北京招聘Web Developer-Front End Engineer (3240 reads)      时间: 2011-12-19 周一, 14:37   

作者:chineseangel海归招聘 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

我是HR Angela,如您对此职位感兴趣,请直接发简历到我邮箱shufang.wang tieto.com


叠拓信息技术有限公司 (Tieto),是一家芬兰独资的上市公司,成立于1968年,总部位于芬兰的赫尔辛基,其分支机构遍布全球30多个国家,全球员工约18000名,是北欧最大的IT服务提供商,业务领域涵盖IT研发和咨询,行业领域包括通信,林业造纸业,金融保险业,汽车、健康福利、零售、能源及其政府公共服务业。在通信研发领域,叠拓排名欧洲第一,是欧洲软件服务三大巨头之一。 在欧洲,114家全球电信网络使用我们的信令解决方案,400家报刊杂志也使用我们的IT方案,90%的移动运营商使用叠拓的IT服务。


叠拓中国于2003年在北京成立。随着业务的发展,于2008年和2010年分别在成都和杭州成立的分公司。至今,叠拓中国已拥有1500名员工,其中成都叠拓已成为成都最大的外资IT研发中心。叠拓中国致力于智能手机软件开发(Iphone, Android, Symbian, Meego, Windows Phone) 及核心网接入网等网络开发。

JD of Web Developer-Front End Engineer

We are searching for highly motivated and self-driven web developers who can work with in cross-functional teams with product managers, UX designers and other developers. Join us and help us design and implement highly interactive and complex user interfaces for the next generation mobile internet applications. The work is challenging, fast paced and always changing. Strong analytical skills, commitment to quality, collaborative work ethic and cutting edge coding skills are all required. Your work stays in the fundamentals of ja<x>vasc<x>ript (not just jQuery or YUI), CSS, AJAX, and HTML.
• Work closely with UX designers, project managers and other development team to implement v front-end solutions not only in desktop browsers but also in mobile phones.
• Embrace emerging standards while promoting best practices in order to push the limits of what a browser can do.
• Manage your work well both independently and as part of a team.
• Launch, iterate and make a difference. Provide front-end coding expertise, and be ready to make the application better for users.

Desired Skills & Experience
• Requires 3+ year(s) in web development using HTML, ja<x>vasc<x>ript and CSS. Must be very fluent in ja<x>vasc<x>ript and CSS. Experience with the latest and greatest web standards, including HTML5 and CSS3.
• Also requires good experience and understanding of Ajax, ob<x>ject-oriented ja<x>vascript, DOM and xm<x>l.
• Must have good knowledge of problems and solutions for cross browser compatibility.
• Must have good knowledge of techniques for improving performance of the web pages using HTML, JS and CSS optimization.
• Experience with a s<x>cripting language, such as Python (preferred), Ruby, etc. would be a plus.
• Must be able to code according to varying levels of specifications created by UI designers in order to create mock-ups, prototypes and final product.
• Must be able to work in highly iterative design cycles.
• Need to have good analytical and problem solving skills, good verbal and written communication skills.
• Experience with popular SCM tools, such as git, SVN, etc. would be a plus.
• BS or higher degree required. Degree in CS or related field preferred.

作者:chineseangel海归招聘 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • Tieto北京招聘Web Developer-Front End Engineer -- chineseangel - (2950 Byte) 2011-12-19 周一, 14:37 (3240 reads)
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