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主题: 【来点其它的】 当一个孟加拉穆斯林女孩,准备嫁给一个白人青年后 。。。
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作者 【来点其它的】 当一个孟加拉穆斯林女孩,准备嫁给一个白人青年后 。。。   

头衔: 海归中校

头衔: 海归中校
声望: 博导

加入时间: 2007/01/21
文章: 645

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文章标题: 【来点其它的】 当一个孟加拉穆斯林女孩,准备嫁给一个白人青年后 。。。 (2148 reads)      时间: 2010-8-18 周三, 14:14

作者:唐古拉海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

SS: 出生在一个澳洲的孟加拉穆斯林家庭;
Jack, 我当年Ph.D 时的师弟,澳洲当地白人
LL: SS 的姐姐,出生在澳洲
SS 和 LL 的父亲: 一个孟加拉的社会名流,移民澳洲后,当地澳洲孟加拉社区的“领袖”

下面的信是LL发给Jack,Jack 又转发给我,征得Jack 同意后, 我摘录在此,有点长。

SS knows our father is a heart patient. He needs to undergo a surgery in a few months. I care about my parents. I owe my life to them and they care about the community. They would not be able to take it ever if there’s a bad name in the community about any of us and you can guess the respect everyone feels for my father in the Bangladeshi community. Anyone in need comes to us for advice. This is all he got in this foreign land. He left a wonderful career back at home. He was well respected all around he country. He has none of that here. No one knows him outside the Bengali community and it was all for us. He left a place he knew all through his lifetime to give us a better life. And now SS is out to take even this away from them.

I thought she was matured enough to realise that it is not always about what we feel like doing or what we consider right. Sometimes we have to sacrifice to save our loved one’s hurt. But she dones’t realise this simple thing. So what’s the harm in letting him go if it makes them happy? No matter who come in our lives. No one would ever be able to love us the way our father did and is this her way of paying him back for all the things he did for her?

Yeah, I was talking about my father’s surgey. She knows well well that he would not be able to accept any relationship with anyone who is not Bangladeshi and who is not a Muslim. He just can’t. I am going into the queston of what’s wrong and what’s right. He CANNOT accept it. Fullstop. She knew it very well. Yet, she had the gutts to email him about you and tell him that now she has the answer to her lifelong search and she is prepared to marry. He was so utterly shocked to hear that. That night he amost had an heart attack, but he was so upset at what she did. He didn’t let my mother call any of us because he felt all alone and he was really in pain. Probably SS told you that he stopped talking to her as well. Didn’t talk to her for a week or so. That would have been message enough right?? But apparently it wasn't. If she knows about how hurt our dad is about it and that he would never accept it then why did she have to tell you???

Last night Dad cried in his room with light off. That’s how hurt he was. Jack, I know there’s no point tell SS about it so I am telling you. I am only doing this to save our family or whatever is left of it. I understand. What SS is going through, I understand the hurt she is feeling. I understand how alone she is feeling right now as well. But I can’t help feeling ouraged as well. Because she could be so secretive about it. She hid it from both myself and Ifa and yet she tells me I am one of the closest persons to here.

I loved her too much once and now I am paying for it. A whole part of me is empty because she used to occupy that part. I was hurt beyond words, beyond anything. I don’t want my parents to go through the same hurt. And the same amount of pains. That’s why I had to turn to you.

Jack, I want to be the last person to interface in anyone’s happiness and I fee terrible about it. No one would be happier than me if my sister is happy and content in her life, but you can never be happy together. Because all these moments of shattered dreams and broken hearts would come in your way. And sooner or later you would regret this time.

Love is ever lasting, Jack. I am sure you know it more than me. If you both feel that much of a strong bond between you, then your feelings and your lives are worth living already. But since it will save so manty people from getting hrut, maybe it s best that you don’t contact each other anymore, not even through email. Because it would not work out. You cann’t be together or if you can be, you or at least SS, will have to pay a huge price of it. Which would never lead you to contentment, so please try to keep away from each other.

This is breaking me in two to utter these words. Because I know what it souncds like but if I had any othe ways I would have let things be other wise, but I am helpless.

Please forgive me for any amount of pains that I must have caused you.

Take care of yourself.

Love always,


结果:SS, 在强大的家庭压力下,回到了家里。一段三个月的恋情,就这样无疾而终了。

作者:唐古拉海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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