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主题: 美女间谍--好久没看间谍片了
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作者 美女间谍--好久没看间谍片了   

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文章标题: 美女间谍--好久没看间谍片了 (1628 reads)      时间: 2010-7-03 周六, 13:55

作者:emperorfan海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

fbi逮捕了11个深藏美国的,扮成曼哈顿 partygoer,DC时髦单身汉,郊区中产夫妇等不同面目的俄罗斯间谍,间谍手法包括假护照、购买死人的身份、隐形墨水书写情报,擦肩而过时交换相同包袋等,旨在渗透进美国政府决策圈,


Anna Chapman — one of 10 people the FBI arrested as Russian spies over the weekend — was dogged by a common IT headache, according to the criminal complaint filed against her: She spent a great deal of time trying to get her laptop to work.
According to the FBI, she belonged to a spy network the Russians dubbed "illegals," a group tasked with posing as Americans in order to get close to American policymakers. But she had persistent trouble getting the computer issued by her Russian handlers to wirelessly transmit her weekly intelligence reports, the Justice Department complaint alleges, because the connection didn't work.
Still, she liked her American computer well enough. In January, she raved on her Facebook page: "My new Mac has been the buy of the year... Love it!" Apparently, Russian spies are Mac evangelists. Who knew?

Emerging details on the alleged Russian spy ring show that some suspects were living mundane suburban family lives. But others, including Chapman, were operating as glamorous single partygoers. The New York Post calls Chapman a "flame-haired, 007-worthy beauty who flitted from high-profile parties to top-secret meetings around Manhattan."
The 28-year-old redhead reportedly owned an online real estate business worth $2 million (unnamed in news reports so far) and lived in a "fancy Financial District apartment," the Post said.
Her Facebook page is stocked with glamour shots worthy of a model, and New York party photographer Patrick McMullan has snapped her attending high-society events like the 2010 FDNY Foundation Dinner and an Armory Show Kickoff Party hosted by Whitewall Magazine.
The other suspects apparently lived more ordinary lives. A 40-something couple known as Donald Heathfield and Tracey Foley (also known as Ann Foley) had two te_e_naged sons who, like many t_e_ens, sometimes disrupted their neighborhood in Cambridge, Mass., with loud parties, according to the Boston Herald.
Foley owned her own real estate website and worked as an agent for Redfin Realty, while Heathfield was a consultant doing leadership training for a firm called Global Partners Inc.
On Monday, one of Heathfield's partners there, Carolyn Quintin, told Yahoo! News that she was "shocked" at news of Heathfield's arrest. And on Tuesday morning, another partner, Jay Gronlund, said he was "very impressed with Don's professional skills — smart, personable." Gronlund said Heathfield hadn't done much work for the firm in recent years, even though he's listed as a partner.
Heathfield is also the founder of a company called Future Map, which claims on its website to sell strategic planning software to governments and corporations.
The Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University confirmed to Yahoo! News that Heathfield earned a midcareer master's degree in public administration from the school in 2000, but declined to say what courses he took or which professors he studied under. According to the blog Wicked Local in Cambridge, Heathfield made a campaign donation to Massachusetts state Rep. Marty Walz, one of his Kennedy School classmates, in 2004.
Heathfield's colleagues say they believed him to be a Canadian national who'd earned American citizenship. Foley describes herself in an online profile as "a native of Montreal" who "lived and was educated in Switzerland, Canada and France."
Their neighbors describe them as a typical Cambridge couple: "I’m surprised, very surprised,” one told the Boston Herald. "She was a friendly neighbor. She was gorgeous. She was nice. They were European but I didn’t know what kind."
Another arrested couple, Vicky Pelaez and Juan Lazaro, lived on a quiet suburban street in Yonkers, N.Y., and also had children. Pelaez — a columnist of El Diario/La Prensa, one of the largest-circulation Spanish-language newspapers in the U.S. — has written critically of the United States, calling the American prison industry a form of slavery. Lazaro is a retired professor of political science at the New School for Social Research; both are Peruvian. The couple was arrested Sunday while returning home from a party with their 17-year-old son, according to El Diario (via Google Translate).
Richard and Cynthia Murphy lived in Montclair, N.J. One neighbor joked to the New York Times that their gardening skills didn't quite fit in with the charge of espionage: "They couldn’t have been spies — look what she did with the hydrangeas." According to Politico, Cynthia Murphy was a vice president at a Manhattan accounting firm called Morea Financial Services. She claimed in a profile on l<x>inkedIn (a service that many of the suspects apparently joined) to have attended Columbia University. Cynthia Murphy is described in the complaint as having made contact with an unnamed high-profile financier and political donor.
An unmarried suspect who lived in Washington, D.C., Mikhail Semenko, an unmarried alleged operative, was described by neighbors as living a lifestyle closer to Chapman's. One woman described Semenko to the New York Times as "a stylish man in his late 20s who drove a Mercedes S-500."
Little has been reported about another couple, Michael Zottoli and Patricia Mills, who recently moved to Arlington, Va., from Seattle.
An 11th and last suspect was arrested Tuesday in Cyprus: Christopher Metsos, who authorities alleged was the spy handler. He was picked up while trying to board a flight for Hungary.

Anna Chapman was one of the 11 people accused this past week of being part of a Russian spy ring in the United States.

Mr. Chapman said that his wife, who went by the name Anna Kushchenko when they married in 2002, confided in him that her father, Vasily, was a K.G.B. officer. “She would do anything for her dad,” Mr. Chapman told the newspaper.

Thanks to her alluring looks, Ms. Chapman has commanded the most tabloid attention since the arrests. (No offense to the middle-aged real estate agents, housewives and start-up chief executives in the group.) As her ex-husband’s interview began to percolate in cyberspace, two other items relating to the arrests were brewing.

Three other suspects were to appear in an Alexandria, Va. court for their bail hearings at 2 p.m. on Friday — Michael Zottoli, Patricia Mills and Mikhail Semenko. The hearings had been delayed from Thursday when defense lawyers said they had new information.

My colleague Ben Weiser reports that both Mr. “Zottoli” and Ms. “Mills” admitted to the F.B.I. they were Russian citizens:

Mr. “Zottoli” acknowledged to F.B.I. agents that he is a Russian citizen whose true name is Mikhail Kutzik, that he has used a phony date of birth, and that his father lived in Russia.

Ms. “Mills,” the prosecutors wrote, admitted that she was, in fact, a Russian citizen named Natalia Pereverzeva. She said that her parents, brother and sister are still living in Russia, the prosecutors said.
Ten of the individuals were arrested in the United States on Sunday. Another, Christopher R. Metsos, was arrested in Cyprus on Tuesday. But after a Cyprus court freed him on bail, he disappeared. According to The Associated Press, the Cyprus justice minister, Lucas Luca, said he thought Mr. Metsos had fled the island.

Ms. Chapman was denied bail.

Mr. Chapman said he met Anna at a night club in London in September 2001, and they were married five months later. They went to Africa for a safari honeymoon and stayed in Zimbabwe, where Vasily was a diplomat, Mr. Chapman said to The Daily Telegraph.

“Her dad was scary,” Mr. Chapman was quoted as saying. “He was very concerned about which direction my life was going, how I was going to ‘earn my money.’ Anna told me he worked as a diplomat for the Russian government. It was only much later that she told me he had been a K.G.B. agent.”

— John Cook is a senior national reporter/blogger for Yahoo!

Red hair, red heart, red face.

The rosy-haired Russki facing spy charges is "embarrassed" at the photos of her splashed across newspapers in recent days, her lawyer said.

"She was embarrassed by some of the photos that were obviously taken from her Facebook pages," Anna Chapman's attorney, Ronald Baum, told The Associated Press. "The truth is she [is] probably no different than your typical single 28-year-old woman in New York City. She runs a successful business, goes out at night. She dates men, enjoys a social life."

Chapman, the sexy daughter of a Russian diplomat, is charged with acting as an unregistered foreign agent.

The slinky spy suspect was one of 10 swept up in a shocking takedown last week.

Baum, after spending several hours with Chapman over two days, described her as "very frightened."

Baum said the dazzling divorcée contacted her dad, Vasily Kuschenko, a day after an FBI agent posing as a Russian official asked her to hand off a phony passport to another suspected spy.

"She spoke to her father, and her father said, 'Go turn the passport in,'" Baum said. "Her father said, 'You've got this passport. It's forged. Go turn it into the police,' and that's exactly what she did."

Chapman's British ex-husband, Alex Chapman, has said her father is a former KGB agent - a claim Baum dismissed yesterday.

"I won't go into the circumstances of divorce, but he may be somewhat bitter about it," Baum said.

But mostly we care about the hot one.

Ever since photos of Anna Chapman began circulating online late Tuesday, the Internet at large has been foaming, frothing, fanatic for details about the reported 28-year-old secret agent/Maxim model look-alike who specialized in sultry-eyed, pouty-lipped, come-hither stares. Da, da, da!

News sites immediately uploaded photo galleries. Someone said "Bond Girl" and we all immediately began casting her biopic in our minds. Scarlett Johansson -- no wait, Jessica Biel!

Someone said that she drank Alma De Agave tequila and almost immediately the company issued an official statement explaining its role in Chapman's drinking habits: "Russell Terlecki, President of the East Coast Operations . . . met her on the Seastreak going to Atlantic Highlands, NJ. She loved Alma De Agave tequila."

She had a Facebook account (and why not? In America, the best way to fly under the radar is to fly over it. Wouldn't it be much more suspect if she weren't on Facebook?), which we immediately began obsessing over.

Unlucky for us: Much of it was written in Cyrillic.

Lucky for us: Chapman's friend list was available for public consumption. Apparently, she didn't understand Facebook's new privacy controls any better than the rest of us.

Phone calls with several of her acquaintances reveal a woman with a head for business (and a bod for sin? Is Anna Chapman the Working Girl of 2010?) -- a woman who single-mindedly pursued her goal of combining real estate with Internet technology.

"She was very modern, energetic, reasonably worldly," says Dan Johnson, the British founder of a real estate Web site, who met Chapman when she suggested a possible partnership between Johnson's site and hers, www.domdot.ru, which focused on Russian listings. They corresponded for several months and met when Chapman was passing through London. "She was flying around the world, setting up businesses. It's not someone with a lazy mind-set who's going to be doing that."

Arthur Welf, a Russian journalist who first met Chapman in 2008 when they both attended a real estate conference, says that Chapman was looking for funding to develop a New York equivalent of her site and was passionately excited about the project. "I would think she would have no time for other things like espionage," Welf says. "She was working 24 hours around the clock." He believes Chapman is innocent.

"She's always brainstorming, always trying to create new ideas," says Alena Popova, a Russian businesswoman who met Chapman at the Global Technology Symposium earlier this year in San Francisco. Popova was so impressed with Chapman's poise that later, when they met up in New York, she filmed an interview with her, Chapman providing tips for creating successful start-ups.
The three-minute video, entirely in Russian, is now going viral on YouTube, with plenty of salivating fans. "That's one hot Russian spy," Assaultman45 offers in the comments section. "Her punishment should be a date with me."

It's so much easier when "From Russia With Love" is a total babe. It's all so Natasha, so Ninotchka, so Cold War retro. The things that Chapman has been accused of doing -- exchanging covert information with a Russian government official -- seem downright quaint when you read the Justice Department's description of the activities. There were code phrases -- Haven't we met in California last summer? -- and there were weekly Wednesday check-ins at a coffee shop. In the Red Scare 1950s, this would have been terrifying, but it sure beats a shoe bomber today.

Maybe this is why we've been treating Chapman more like she's June's Playmate and less like she's a threat to national security -- desperately seeking out her likes and dislikes, her hopes and dreams, as if we plan to take her for a romantic walk on the beach.

International news sites have also gotten in on the action: A profile on the Russian site LifeNews.ru claims that Chapman is the daughter of the former Russian ambassador to Kenya, that she was raised by her grandmother, that she studied economics at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and once worked in banking.

In a second video interview, shot at New York Entrepreneur Week, Chapman speaks in English to an unseen interviewer, describing how she loves running her own Web site. Her voice is husky, her mannerisms both confident and girlish.

"She's very charming, attractive, very smart," says David Hantman, who works in New York real estate appraising and was introduced to Chapman through mutual friends. "I was surprised at how young she was to be in a position to negotiate with these big companies" that she said she was dealing with. "She had so much business acumen for someone so young."

Any other details you can release, David? Some other illusory detail for us to salivate over? Perhaps something personal?

"She's very social," Hantman says thoughtfully. "She enjoyed having her nails done."

The alleged spy loved manicures!

But throughout Wednesday, Chapman's Facebook friend list decreased, 168 in the morning, 161 in the afternoon, as her acquaintances presumably began to question whether they wanted to be affiliated with her, and how much they really knew about her to begin with.

"She's such a sweet person, I'd hate to see anything happen to her," Hantman says. "But if she's a spy, that's very disturbing."


作者:emperorfan海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由emperorfan于2010-7-28 周三, 07:23修改,总共修改了15次

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