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主题: 中韩为何交恶(韩国百笑之一)汉英翻译 请批评指正
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作者 中韩为何交恶(韩国百笑之一)汉英翻译 请批评指正   

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头衔: 海归少校
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加入时间: 2009/07/12
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文章标题: 中韩为何交恶(韩国百笑之一)汉英翻译 请批评指正 (1489 reads)      时间: 2009-7-30 周四, 15:25   

作者:LHS海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Why the relationship between South Korea and China turns bitter?
Being a snobbish and treacherous people who was ruled and oppressed by Japanese empire, the South Koreans often subconsciously view Chinese, in the same way as their one time master Japanese do, as an inferior race. Owing to the extreme brutal colonial rule by Japan, Koreans naturally have strong hatred toward the Japanese, and yet at the same time, find it is hard to resist this subconscious worship of their former master. Korean is such a people with split personality, that on the one hand, being overly egotistic, and on the other, filled with inferior complex。 The experience of having served as second class citizens under Japanese rule in the past is the main factor that contributes to this seemingly contradictory mentality of these people. Thus, to correctly interpret the cause of the repulsive behaviors which are quite common to most Korean people, one needs first to understand the very root of all these, their history.
The political and geographical location in which Korea had existed helps formed this peculiar Korean mentality which is often described as both snobbish and speculative. South Korea now serves a faithful running dog for the United States, while fiddling with his neighbors like China and Japan. Korea behaves like an awkward actor with poor performing skill, only suitable for serving as a colonial country for the big powers. It had so far been able to capitalize on the clashes among big powers.
Korean history has hitherto been a history of humiliation. Unlike China, which had had revolutions and struggled against foreign powers, the Koreans were second class citizens under big power through out their entire modern history. No decent person on this earth would have any respect for this annoying and often garlic breathed people. Superficially, Korean people seem to be tough, but deep down inside, they have been proven meager. The whole Korean history one could hardly find a single notable figure of historical significance, even Japan had a better touch in this regard.
The ancient Korea existed in a slavery and primitive society for most of the time. That is why; the Japanese invaders led by Toyotomi Hediyoshi were welcomed by Korean slaves as liberators. There would not have been “modern Korea” if there had not been the colonial rule by Japanese in the past hundred years.
Slaves usually are filled with mixed feelings of hatred and worship toward their master, Korea copied Japan in virtually every thing, from culture to business, yet, without the courage of admitting its plagiarism. It has been a unique habit of this people to take credit for other’s achievements. Naturally, Korean people feel a strong sense of inferiority when confronting Japanese. When facing American and Japanese, most Koreans are nothing but a bunch of ass kissers and running dogs, though accidentally with venting of temper like skittish donkeys.
However, Koreans would quickly resume to their superior attitude of being the citizens of a developed nation whenever dealing with Chinese people. This kiss-up and kick-down type of attitude has been the most unbearable thing for the Chinese, being the cultural mentors for Korea through out of the history, to accept. In fact, Koreans should also feel ashamed to the Chinese when it comes to the issues of culture and tradition. Fabrication and stealing are the only things Koreans are capable of doing when it comes to the issue involving Chinese history and cultural heritages. In one word, South Korea is neither Japan nor China in a realistic sense, it has been but an awkward mix of the two and a poor duplicate at best. The thick headed Korean had hard time to understand the mind of the Chinese to whom they had mistakenly deemed as weak and cowardly. In fact, the Chinese have a much higher of goal of competing with the more qualified rivals like Americans and Japanese, Koreans are simply not even worth the trouble. It could be predictable that Koreans are going to experience more and more hardship in China in the future.
In a sense, Koreans inherited some worse parts of the characteristics from both Chinese and Japanese, and were able to elaborate them to a much greater scale.
To compare a typical Korean mentality with the trait of an animal, we may say of a Korean that he is very similar to a donkey, with a character of being foolish and yet stubborn, weak and yet rebellious, vicious and treachery, cheating and also self deceiving.
Korean people like to make up the insufficiency in reality by fabricating stories in mind, by doing so they could temporarily soothe their badly wounded souls. The tragedy of a donkey, despite the spree it may enjoy for the time being, lies in fact that it has no choice but to come back to reality once master’s whip is curling down. This donkey like sentiment has proven to be the most insurmountable obstacle hampering the progress of globalization for this country.
韩国人在这个世界上生存的秘诀主要是靠耍赖,无耻,撒泼,撒谎。这是可以理解的,一方面是由于他们的病态心理所决定的,另一方面是出于现实的考虑,因为如果他们不这样,Koreans’ secret of survival rests largely on the their ability to lie, to act irresponsibly, and to be shameless. This is understandable to certain extent as a result of pathological sentiment with which Korean are endowed, and the harsh competitive reality which had forced them to behave and live in this condemnable manner.
As a tiny nation of limited natural resources, Korea must act in this irrational and irritating manner in order to gain attention from other countries, otherwise, it will be left to naught. Even by causing this common resentment among most world members, South Korea has to certain extent reached to its goal. Korea has no choice but to imitate his master Japan in industry and life style, manufacturing industrial goods and exporting them for huge profit. Even though Korean made has only the look but not the quality and substance of the Japanese product.
Just like a city residing countryman’s vehement denial of his rural origin, Korean’s notorious self-promotion aims at a ferocious denying any cultural linkage with the Chinese. However, this trick is nothing new but only a modern version of the “Throwing off Asia” scheme, adopted one hundred years ago by Japan during the Meiji restoration. Unfortunately, Korean’s vivid De-Chinese efforts had so far backfired because the so called great Korean culture turned out to be nothing but a poor copy of the Chinese one. Many nationalistic Koreans have often been ranting about a war with China or Japan, but in reality, Korea does not have the strength to engage in a serious conflict with both China and Japan. So the Korean War mongering could only be dismissed as a bunch of wild hallucinations by a group of pathetic people.
It seems that Koreans have been living in a contradictory condition, which, on the one hand, through de-sinolization, affiliating themselves with the Western powers, yet on the other, shamelessly stealing Chinese heritages to make up their cultural poverty and emptiness.
Bullying and humiliating Chinese have thus become the best remedy for a Korean to soothe his pain and overcome inferior complex. Somewhat similar to a man who was beaten by a stronger opponent and found his relief by bullying one who was weaker than himself. Sadly, Korean developed this unique and sinful culture of hatred when mocking China and Chinese became a sort of entertainment enjoyed by most Koreans. Koreans seldom skip any chance of humiliating China and Chinese people. In many museum paintings, Chinese are often being depicted as a bunch of blue and yellow pests slaughtered and run over by the tall and handsome Caucasian like Korean warriors. However, the fact is that Korean history has so far been a history lacking of conquering and ruling experience over any people other than the Koreans themselves.
As spices of unmistakably Mongoloid origin, distressed by their incurable inferiority complex, Korean people have been enthusiastically engaging in plastic surgery to give their flat faces a European look, and also by a nationwide converting to Christianity, a way through which they had hoped to assimilate themselves with the superior race, the Westerners. A similar case may be found in Korean’s pretending to be Japanese in Japan occupied China during WWII.
The Korean tragedy lies in its inability to cope with the gap between expectation and reality. Thus it has been living in a pathetic self consecration and hysterical sentiment which tend to release its hideous power from time to time. Korean is a proud people constantly struggling in vanity, living in sad reality with which it had hard time to cope. During Japan occupation, Koreans were often being reminded that they were in fact not real Japanese: “Hey, not so fast, don’t you think yourself as Japanese!”
Korean’s irrational behaviors could be interpreted as the ultimate outburst of its inferiority syndrome. China is getting stronger and mending her relationship with Japan. The situation across the Taiwan Strait has also turned toward reconciliation as both sides start enhancing economic ties and cooperation. All these moves have not been in the best interest for South Korea, because it has been more or so marginalized both politically and economically. Korea is loosing its competitive advantages over China and therefore starts acting desperately. China’s globalization makes Korea feel extremely jealous because of the fear of losing its pathetic advantage gained from the experience of having served as the colony for both U.S. and Japan.
Driven by this subconscious sense of inferiority, Korean would often make such stupid remarks as: “Chinese are becoming more and more like Koreans”, while commenting on the quick adoption by Chinese businessman on the Western business etiquette of suit and tie.
South Korean is currently on an upper position over China in the world wide production chain, though with an inferior overall technical capacity and potential. What Korea does best so far is to package and resell to China and other developing countries what it had stolen from U.S. or Japan. South Korea has been successfully squeezing out China’s market shares in world wide competition; especially with many Chinese being foolish enough to buy Korean made goods at large quantities. However the tide has now shifted as China is starting to support its own indigenous industries. China also begins cleaning up the energy consuming and polluting labor intensive industries to which most Korean mid to small sized companies belong. It is foreseeable Korean companies operating in China will be facing more and more difficulties in the time to come.
韩国的产业比中国稍微先进,但整体实力不行.韩国就是把美国日本的东西拿来包装一下糊弄中国和第三世界。在世界市场上,由于在产业链上稍微在中国之上, 韩国人一直用脚往下踹中国,抢中国的饭碗.可是中国人很多是阿Q,无知愚昧.猛买韩国东西.中国现在开始扶植自己民族产业,并且治理整顿高能耗劳力密集型产业,所以韩国企业在中国的处境会越来越困难。
Korean economy starts showing signs of decline.
South Korea’s industries and culture, though slightly ahead of China in certain aspects, lack of absolute competitive advantages over China. This is the real reason why South Korea recently starts acting in such an irrational way. South Korea’s industries have been ferociously imitating after those of the Japan, and subsequently, become bad duplicates. Korean products, because of lack of good quality as those made in Japan and Europe or America, and having no the economic features as in those of made in China, therefore, could easily be substituted. The only advantage Korea has over China so far is the marketing and promoting skills to which most Chinese businesses are still beginners. 韩国的工业品基本是可替代的,是一个多余的东西,韩国的产业是日本产业的一个低劣的重复和模仿,造出来的工业垃圾来骗钱,没有日本欧美的质量技术,也没有中国货的价格性价比。但是包装宣传的确比中国人做的要好。
Needless to say, Korean TV dramas are nothing but a bunch of rubbishes. Even though China as one of the biggest consumers of Korean drama with total import estimated around 1000 episodes, Korea had hardly allowed any Chinese TV dramas to enter its own market.
Exporting TV dramas is just one way for Koreans to shamelessly promote themselves. The purpose is to portray South Korea as an elegant and advanced nation, the center of world fashion, the center of world civilization... In fact, Korean fans consist mostly of young punks with rather low taste.
It is safe to say that Koreans are the most narrow-minded and xenophobic people one could ever find on this earth. Many of them are uncouth, lacking of refinement, liars and untrustworthy, nothing but a bunch of “Noveau riche”. Korean people’s characteristic’s could be described as lack of consistency, extremely emotional, short tempered and absent of patience, whereas Chinese tend to be gentle and tolerant, and Japanese delicate and honest.
Of course, South Korea can spine itself around this preposterous fabrications, and become a laughter for the civilized audience. Yet, the political and economic implication behinds all these mockeries deserve an attention of slapping on the face as their best reward.
With ever declining market share, Korean made cars are basically finished in Chinese auto market. Other stuff also are facing dire situation. To Chinese, South Korea has long been an economic leech that contributes very little but is only good at sucking out Chinese people’s blood.
South Korea sees its best interest in a setting in which it can sit permanently on top of China in the whole world wide production chain. South Korea acts an industrial good maker and China serves as its provider of natural resources and labor, and a lucrative market for the goods produced. However, China is running fast on a track of economic development which will sooner or later render South Korea obsolete. In the mean while, Koreans are continuously behaving in this uncouth and obnoxious manner, which, along with economic factors, all help built up Chinese people’s resentment toward this neighbor.
Korean made products usually fall into the category of low to mid priced products, whose survival largely depends on marketing promotion and unethical business conducts. China’s boycotting Japanese made goods may not be fatal to Japan’s economy, because Japanese industrial strength is a world wide recognized fact. Japan bases its market world wide. South Korea, however, doesn’t have the same strength as Japan does. Korea dreamed to become another Japan, but in reality that is only a dream. Loosing its market share in China, undoubtedly, could cause a sever damage to the overall Korean economy. 韩国的产品属于中低档,靠耍赖拼命促销造势生存.中国抵制日本对日本并不是致命的,韩国人做梦都想成为第二个日本,但不幸的是,他永远成不了日本。因为日本的产业的实力是世界公认的,日本的市场是全世界。而韩国却不行,失去中国市场意味着韩国经济将受到重创。
We may have to admit that Korean is a people endowed with a peculiar tenacious and competitive mentality. However, it is this very sentiment with which the Korean people strive hard to survive and prosper that makes most people so dislike of them. The rise and fall of Japan may be deemed as a serious tragedy, the rise and fall of Korea, however, could only be viewed as melodrama of drollness. Everything from this nation somewhat reminds people of the cosmetically and surgically created beauty queen, being annoyingly fake and ultimately ugly. [/size]

作者:LHS海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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