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主题: [分享]另一篇关于中国问题的文章,英文版
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作者 [分享]另一篇关于中国问题的文章,英文版   

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头衔: 海归少校
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加入时间: 2009/07/12
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文章标题: [分享]另一篇关于中国问题的文章,英文版 (1664 reads)      时间: 2009-7-12 周日, 15:07   

作者:LHS海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

China, a land of preposterous phenomena

China, to be precisely, is a land riddled with contradictions and preposterous phenomena. Like in any culture study, one could not have a thorough grasp on Chinese phenomenon unless one takes a close view on the culture of the Chinese people. Otherwise, people are opting to be fooled by the superficial and delusional prosperity orchestrated by the Chinese ruling class in an attempt to distort the truth. People’s impression of China as a weak and low class nation can largely be attributed to the features in Chinese mentality which seems to be both puzzlement and challenge for scholars who are fascinated with this ancient phenomenon. It is hard to come up with a simple answer to a question of this magnitude because to fully analyze China and Chinese demands tremendous time and efforts which are beyond the grasp of this article. However, most Chinese watchers, either the optimistic ones or those who predict its demise, tend to agree on the fact that Chinese culture lacks of the necessary ingredients to establish itself a modern and civilized society. Their treacherous and egotistic mentality as shown in notorious behaviors such as face saving and lying, their outrageous disregard of scientific and rational method, prevented the Chinese from knowing the true cause of their miseries, and, therefore, denied them the solution. This article is aimed at establishing a thorough understanding on Chinese myth by taking a depth-in look at the realistic China, both as a people and as a culture.

Sadly to point out, despite the smug self assertion as the only continued and perhaps one of the oldest civilizations on this earth, China made virtually no contribution to the modern civilization. Owing to the shortage of creativity, China did not produce any world class philosopher in modern time. Chinese philosophy, unlike its Western counterpart, has always been a metaphysical phenomenon instead of an intellectual endeavor drawn upon the power of rationalism and scientific method. In the core value of Chinese philosophy encourages an adaptation toward nature rather than an active engagement in studying and conquering the nature so it can be best suited for human’s needs. Chinese history, therefore, appears to exist in a perpetuated stagnation which does not evolve itself through linear stages, but instead lingers on a vicious circle of violence and crime. Marxist interpretation of human history may not apply to Chinese history because China denies the evolutionary mechanism described by Marxist theory of historical development. Chinese people are used to scuffle with each other over the petty causes and scavenger on the limited resources.

Although traditional Chinese culture had many virtues and was well endowed with wisdoms and enlightened proverbs, people can hardly find any lively applications of them in the behaviors of the average Chinese people. Chinese culture strikes me as a culture of castrated body, a decaying carcass with no sign of muscle and brain. It is quite safe to say that, today’s Chinese have little to do with the real Chinese in the past. They are creatures with character of perversity and sickness. They are dying animals or pre-matured fetus. Perhaps the true Chinese exist only in history or imagination.
A mind occupied by cowardice and selfishness embodies the real source of evil. It is the ultimate cause of all Chinese sufferings. We can not afford to see Chinese continuously committing crimes against their own people, if indeed we consider Chinese as part of the whole human race.

Beside selfish, Chinese are deeply superstitious. They tend to believe in all kinds of luck and fortune. They indulge themselves in a self knitted and fulfilled prophecy of being the center of all human civilizations, without knowing the fact that, China is outrageously left behind in almost every field of social and economic development.
Generally speaking, Chinese have not reached to mental maturity because they never really allow their character to be fully developed. They could not organize and function well in modern social or political entities such as government, parliament, and legal system. It is difficult to build social or national identity among dependent and selfish people such as the Chinese. Chinese have been called a pile of “loosened sand” by foreign observers in the past. I am afraid the situation hasn’t changed much now. After all, how could one create a masterpiece of art out of a piece of garbage?

Subconsciously, Chinese opt to show a strong sense of inferiority when confronting foreigners. That can explain why they always try to match their records with that of United States or Japan, despite the fact that China is by no means in the same social and economic level with the advanced countries. Chinese tend to be both realistic and idealist at same time. This self contradictory mentality enhances the difficulty in solving the Chinese puzzle, and quite often leads to opinions that polarize to each other. In some events, a Chinese could be depicted as a heroic patriot while in the other case, a shameless traitor, or a little bit of both. A Chinese could, on one hand, fiercely expresses his patriotism, in the meanwhile, tries everything possible to get his foot into foreign lands. Is there anything more hypocritical and pathetic than the tragic discrepancies between their words and deeds? If China is such a wonderful place why Chinese always try to deliver their babies in the United States? Perhaps the real respect which the Chinese are so eagerly craving for could come only if the Chinese start to align their words along with their deeds.

Ignorance and fear usually lead to superstition and cruelty; Chinese like to worship all kind things, from animals to dead people, from Chairman Mao to Bill Gates. Chinese also worship English, and the English speaking people. Nothing could be more useful in demonstrating this pathetic worshiping mentality than the current frenzy in studying English. Most young generation Chinese overwhelmingly devote their energy in learning English regardless of its real usage. Teaching English by foreigners has become a promising and booming industry in China.

Chinese view English more as sign of social status than as a tool of communication. Chinese studying overseas, mostly for economic reason, are not interested in learning advanced technologies to build their own nation. Generally speaking, Chinese seem to show apathy and indifference when it comes to honor and grace. Yet, quite often, they could easily be aroused into a hideous violent sentiment if something provokes them and makes them losing "face".

Chinese lack sense of responsibility and respect for craftsmanship when performing a task. To their works they seldom show any pride. Few Chinese understand the importance of craftsmanship. Chinese usually describe their jobs as “rice bowls” or the place where they receive pay checks. I never heard any one tells me how important his job is or what kind responsibilities he has and how it is related to the well being of whole organization and society. Chinese will cut corners and take short way on virtually anything and at anytime possible. They lack of aesthetic taste when designing a product, and make thing in cheapest way possible, hopelessly neglecting style and etiquette. Even the so called business elites are not acquainted with the ideas such as “wardrobe” and proper business dress code. Do not be surprised to find a stark incoherence in apparel from a well dressed Chinese businessman whose dark leather shoes are proudly matched by a pair of white socks.

Despite the phony growth rate, China is not a capitalist society in terms of proper business conduct. Most Chinese do not understand the definition of “career” or “executive”. Business men in China are mostly scumbags who enrich themselves by bribing the government officials in order to get illegal deals. In China, a practice which emphasizes honesty and hardworking is not recommendable because it seldom produce any good result. Few people have any real respect of law abiding behaviors. Honest and polite people have often become the targets of ridiculing. It is hard to find any honest and competent entrepreneurs who could lead the nation into a modernized and developed society. On the other hand, China has never been in shortage of swindlers who are extremely efficient in embezzling nation’s resources by elaborated ways. It is no surprise to see the list of Chinese richest people could quickly turn into the list of China’s most wanted for economic related crimes. These people are experts in cheating and lying, and always know how to get away with it. Credit purchasing is nothing but an imagination for a place like China.

Chinese are proud to be labeled as hard working and thrifty people. However, their hardworking habit produces only low quality and cheap commodities. Their thrifty life style constantly undermines the integrity of the commercial practice. The life style of low cost operation encourages virtually all Chinese people, regardless of their education level, to take advantage from the public resources. The more the Chinese produce its cheap goods, the more resources will be lost from China. With backward and obsolete technology and no environmental regulation, China is also the biggest polluter on this planet.
China has so far failed to let its people to be governed by a competent and modernized government. The very essence to the functioning mechanism of modern governance does not fit into the traditional Chinese notion of government. Most Chinese people lack interest in politics, viewing it as tasks of the ruling class. As a group of people endowed with slavery mentality, Chinese like to be ruled and controlled by powerful and even mystical figures; they do not deserve freedom because they tend to abuse it. Magnanimity should not be applied to Chinese because only thing they understand is the power of whip and bullet. Freedom according to Chinese means the best way to maximize one’s own interest with no regard of other people well being. Chinese like to exploit the benefit of any given opportunity but do not want to bear any social responsibility. The innate characteristics in Chinese people’s mentality, namely selfishness, coward ness, lack of spirit of cooperation, callousness, dependent mind, sealed the fate of Chinese as a group of people with permanent slavery nature. Having looked at these factors in Chinese culture, one will have little difficulty in understanding the chaotic and tragic fate through out China history.

A group of people being filled with of irrational impetus, but lacking of the ability to make compromise, is doomed to commit anti-social and destructive activities. The question remains as how many lives they will destroy before they can possibly come to a sense that there is something severely wrong with their behaviors? Can they be stopped? Is there any hope to convert them into a more human and civilized beings?

Chinese intellectuals usually are not as socially active as their Western counterparts do. They enjoy the social and economic status and have very little concern of the suffering of the average Chinese people. To certain extent, they tend to play the role of running dogs for the ruling class. Even though occasionally, they like to show some feelings of discontent because of the disproportion between the wealth and knowledge they possessed. They nevertheless choose to support the current regime. China has virtually no elites in a real sense. Real Elite class possesses both the power of wealth and the grace of honor. Thugs and gangsters have power but not grace and respect. Those Chinese who consider themselves as the elite class are mostly the scum of earth and leeches.

It is advisable to know that the only way to solve the Chinese problem is to eliminate the very source of the problem. For decades, the civilized world has engaged in a plan of exalting the Chinese people from their present savage condition, transforming them into human being again. If this attempt fails to produce positive results, it is crucial that preemptive and decisive action should be taken to prevent the Chinese from inflicting serious damage both on their own people as well as on their neighbors.

For some reasons, Chinese simply can not bear the thought that they are genetically inferior to others. They continuously refuse the notion that some dramatic changes should be taken place in order to lift them from their present pathetic condition. The vehement denying to their problems shows how desperate and ignorant they are to their sickness. Insulting Chinese has never been my goal, although sometime it is inevitable to present them with a rude awakening of the reality so they may improve themselves. Chinese must come to a sense that the disasters and suffering inflicted by them upon their own people should not be viewed as a Chinese issue alone. It has already become an issue inseparably tied with the fate of whole mankind.

The major obstacle hampering Chinese social and economic progress lies in the very structure of hierarchical society which they had inherited from their ancestors. In order to maintain this structure, the ruling class purposely keeps the majority people living in a state of poverty and ignorance. In the meanwhile, they had put up elaborate shows to cover up the appalling situation of inhumanity existed in Chinese society.

Most Chinese, by their nature, could be described as callous and selfish and therefore should not be trusted. They seem to be more interested in saving their faces than knowing the truth and living a decent and meaningful life. In Chinese minds, perhaps everything exists in a state of vagueness; they are not used to logical and rational thinking, but only indulging themselves in the primitive beauty of ambiguity. This ambiguity, however wonderful it might be, costs the Chinese the opportunity of evolving into a rational species. Science could not have born in China, not because of the material limitation, but because of the lack of spiritual vigorousness and curiosity. Chinese usually show little respect towards those who dare to take adventure to explore the nature. They are more enthusiastic in coin collecting and having more concubines than solving a mathematic problem. They are more used to living in an environment full of lies and shame than taking the initiative to make thing better. To prevent the whole mankind from degenerating into a status of mediocre, we have the duty to stop the expansion of the Chinese both as a race and as a cultural phenomenon.

Ironically, Chinese could be both industrious and lazy at same time. The assiduous side of the Chinese character largely attributed to China’s infertile geological environment. One has to strive hard in order to keep one alive. Additionally, in a social environment where most people do not respect honesty and rectitude, one has to be shrewd and on alert all the time. Otherwise, some one would insidiously undermine your interest and sneak out your belongings. In a sense, Chinese must work extremely hard to protect their interest from the assault of the fellow Chinese. In other words, it is the environment, both social and natural, forced the Chinese to be hard working and to adopt a frugal life style. To illustrate my view more accurately, Chinese living habit is more similar to that of the rodent species than the highly developed creatures, emphasizing quantity while ignoring quality.

Chinese educational system, to a large extent, has been a matter of failure and disgrace. It had failed to provide society with any useful person. It only created a group of opportunity chasers who were eagerly to take advantage of what the society could offer but care nothing of what they can give in return. China could boast some mathematic geniuses while keeping a lager portion of its population illiterate. Chinese life seems boring and lacking of excitement. They obsess with material gain far more than westerners do, and show very little or no interest in living a balanced meaningful life. Most Chinese do not understand the meaning of “spirituality” “freedom of worship” “mental health”. Their minds were preoccupied with greed and pity desires of animal instincts such as sex and food.

Generally speaking, China as a nation in a modern sense does not exist. For thousands of years, Chinese have been living in a status without nationhood. China can only be described as a geological concept but not a nation.
Most Chinese would find it is hard to accept wholeheartedly the concept of nationhood. All they know is the idea of family blood ties through which they conduct most of their affairs. This explains why in China, business success depends largely on to whom you know but not what you have or you can offer. Without the knowledge of responsibility and social obligation, Chinese is not a modernized society. In the past as well as the present, Chinese government has never put the people’s livelihood in the center of its political agenda. The government only concerns with its controlling power and its ability to provide an extravagant and corrupt life style for its members. What has been going on in political arena for the past 2000 years will most likely remain so for the infinite future: A humdrum drama with the same boring plot in which a handful and powerful individuals determine the fate of majority poor and ignorant creatures.
Money and comfortable life style appeal Chinese more than the pursuit of power and control.

Deep down inside, Chinese are powerless and miserable creatures that can only live as thieves or beggars but never as the independent owners of their own fate. Therefore, Chinese could not and dare not to pursue what they believe is the righteous things because of the lack of courage to put ideas into practice. Chinese had failed to discipline themselves and to establish a functioning public institute protecting the interest of the majority. Chinese history, as far as one can witness, has been swinging between the extremes of totalitarian dictatorship and anarchic turmoil. Selfish and stubborn people failed to realize that it is the ability of making the necessary compromise, not the continuous and endless struggle for fair share, that makes one real noble. By nature, Chinese could not be nobles because the very nature of their psyche runs directly against the basic elements of nobility. Quoting the words used by Fredrick Nietzsche in describing the psyche of religious believers, Chinese are wicked, weak, revengeful, sick and yet hopeless creatures. If indeed God may have a second thought on the purpose of its creation, this may be the case with which the Chinese are concerned. After all, the existence of Chinese, both as a race and culture, is widely viewed as a mockery of human intelligence and decency.

The process of Chinese modernization is a process aimed at transforming the Chinese from insensitive and indifferent low living creatures into citizens of the modern society. Yet one thing, I have to point out before further discussion is that, in order to become citizen, one has to be human first. This I am afraid most Chinese are not yet qualified. To be a human being, one has to unfetter the biological and material bondage, and to look beyond. Simply speaking, life existed in a sheer biological manner, as it is in the case with most Chinese, does not constitute the real notion of manhood. Real manhood demands meaning. As far as I know, Chinese have failed to evolve into this stage.

As result, most civilized people on this planet can not hide their contempt and concern toward the devastating situation in China and the uncivilized habits existing among the Chinese. Many derogatory words were invented by the Japanese and American to describe the psyche of these hopeless yet stubborn people. The words such as “Chinks” or “Chankoro” are still widely spread among the people who despise the Chinese and the Chinese phenomenon. China has gradually become such a negative concept that even the people who formally affiliated with the Chinese empire tend to deny fiercely their ties with this corrupt and wicked and shameful entity. People from Taiwan or South Korea usually consider labeling them as Chinese not a compliment but an insult for sure. As matter of fact, bashing Chinese has become a popular habit of amusement among these people. The word China or Chinese has gradually become the synonym of weak, inferiority, cheap, mediocre, dishonesty, prostitution, among these people and many others.

My activities were driven solely by the conscience of a human being, in an attempt to teach the Chinese to live their lives in a meaningful way and to be useful to society. Most importantly, I am determined to debunk the mystery surrounded the so call Chinese miracle, helping people develop a clear view on the reality about the Chinese phenomenon. Although Chinese are not short of intelligence and knowledge; one seldom finds courage and integrity in their character. When or could they ever get out of their face saving habits?

To further illustrate the sickness of the face saving habit, one has to mention Japan, a country whose very existence is a direct insult to Chinese people’s pride.

High prestige and respect enjoyed by Japan in world community makes Chinese felt extremely embarrassed. Yet few Chinese people really give any serious thought as to why Japan, a tiny island, could entitle with such tremendous amount of wealth and respect so disproportioned to its size? The notion of Japan as a great power poses an imminent threat and a mockery to the Chinese, both materially and psychologically. Chinese haven’t yet been able to shrug off the humiliation the Japanese inflicted on this dying and sick dinosaur. Indeed, Japan could well serve as a mirror, with which the Chinese could not help comparing themselves. Under the shadow of Japan, China realized its limitation and inadequacy to which they feel utterly hopeless and only resort to ultra nationalism and jealousy to soothe its pain.

China, for the large part, should be viewed only as a historical concept but never a modernized nation. Geologically speaking, China occupies large territory, yet it had failed to develop the political and economic power appropriate to its size. Unjust inhabiting a fertile land but unable to use and develop it properly, constitutes a crime against mankind. Shamed on their origin, most overseas people of Chinese descend only admit that they are culturally Chinese, or Han people to be precise, but refuse to have anything to do with the mainland China. Most do not recognize mainland as the “real China”. Thus, the idea of Chinese nationalism has thus lost its real substance, turning into a sham concocted by the ruling class to manipulate its own people and to fool foreigners.

Japanese continuously refuse to apologize to China for what happened 60 years ago. Whatever the tragic events happened back then, can only be understood as collateral damages of the world war. On the other hand, What China has been reluctant to admit Japan as an important world power. The rise of Japan, to a great extent, marks the beginning of the resurrection of whole Asia. Without the inspirational effect of Japanese Meiji restoration, China could not have had the revolution of its own. Undoubtedly, for past 100 years, Japan served as the model of modernization for the Chinese. Unfortunately, for this favor China had never showed any gratitude, due to shame, and only enhanced the hatred towards Japan, due to jealousy.

As I said before, as the creatures intoxicated by the poisonous sentiment of grudge and vengeance, the Chinese could not establish a balanced view on people or nations that are genetically and spiritually superior to them. Therefore, What China and Chinese need the most is not knowledge or technology, but a courageous mindset to admit their inadequacy. To a great extent, the current prevailing anti-Japan sentiment in China reflects the gloomy and desperate social and economic condition in Chinese society. Unemployment, fraudulency, corruptions, pollution, gap between poor and rich, have been all piled up, compelling the Chinese to find a scapegoat to cover their failure. The ruling class is also looking for a way to cool down the tempest so it will not threaten the regime. An aroused sentiment of extreme nationalism perfectly served the goal.

Since the immemorial, Japanese culture was endowed with certain noble factors that were unique only to the Japanese people. These noble factors could not be found in Chinese or Western culture. In Japanese minds, there is no place for wimps like you guys, no “Hai-Gui” type of rubbish, no begging, only a spirit of Samurai. The soul of the Yamato spirit, a spirit of Samurai warrior consists of duty, honor, and nation. A person’s duty to serve the best interest of his nation is nonnegotiable. A Japanese gentleman, no matter how much education he received, or how well groomed to fit in the Western environment, underneath the sophisticated etiquette and smile, there is a real warrior, a Samurai. A Japanese man has the heart of the saint and the mind of a warrior.

Japanese are gentle and yet determined people when it comes to the test of destiny. On the contrary, Chinese tend to be weak minded and uncouth gold diggers who can only act as agents for foreigner power or as saboteurs of their own nation. No one has to defeat the Chinese, for the Chinese will defeat themselves by their treacherous nature. The image of Chinese as pathetic misanthropes portrayed by Hollywood films shows the contempt deeply rooted in the minds of the Westerners. However, if one carefully assays the behaviors of average Chinese, one can easily conclude that the people in reality and on reels are in fact close kin.

Chinese could not master their own fate because they have no courage to face their weakness, and therefore could not elevate themselves from their current sinful condition. Very few Japanese are interested in staying in US permanently; very few Chinese try to get back to where they come from.
Deep inside, Japanese despise the American to whom we consider no match for the glory of the Yamato spirit. American, for the best part, is a bunch of uncouth new born riches lack of noble characters. They are crude and violent. Japanese dare to defy American in the arena of both military and economy. You Chankoros kiss American butt, shame on you.

Japanese learn from Chinese and American because we believe one day we will surpass them and we surely do. We respect teachers but we are also poised to annihilate them if necessary. Ultimately, Japanese worship no one but themselves, Chinese are readily succumbing themselves to powerful external forces.

In a desperate attempt to restore their shattered self esteem, the Chinese turn to small entities for redemption. They need to come to a sense that bullying the smalls will not solve their internal problems. It can only help build up public resentment against this preposterous and ailing animal. In conclusion, one has to cease to be a Chinese in order to become a human being. In an attempt to prevent the spread of this incurable Chinese epidemic, a quarantine method of decisiveness and determination is needed. Human evolution process has always been moving forward instead of backward. By this token, a backward, dying entity such as China should not be allowed to rule an advanced society like Taiwan. Therefore, as a final gesture, I have to yell out a sonorous slogan: Love live Ritoki San! Stop intimidating Taiwan and free Tibet!

作者:LHS海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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