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主题: [转帖]美国第五大银行:Citigroup
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作者 [转帖]美国第五大银行:Citigroup   


文章标题: [转帖]美国第五大银行:Citigroup (1627 reads)      时间: 2008-11-20 周四, 21:09      

作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com




Citi's Slide Deepens As Investors Bail Out

Anxious investors pushed Citigroup Inc. shares into a deeper nosedive, putting even more pressure on Chief Executive Vikram Pandit to shore up confidence in the struggling bank.

Wednesday's stock-price plunge of 23% was the steepest percentage decline ever for Citigroup, which during the past three days has lost a third of its stock-market value. Citigroup now stands as the fifth-largest U.S.-based bank; U.S. Bancorp, the new No. 4, has one-ninth the assets of Citigroup.

Investors were rattled by the New York company's announcement that it will buy the last $17.4 billion in assets held by its structured investment vehicles, the off-balance-sheet vehicles known as SIVs that were among the first mortgage-related assets to blow up when the credit crunch hit last year. The purchase will result in a $1.1 billion write-down.

One Citigroup official expressed relief that the company is finally ridding itself of SIVs, which had hung over it like 'an albatross.'

Also fueling the decline was a steeper fourth-quarter loss projection by David Trone, an analyst at Fox-Pitt, Kelton. 'The specter of Citi's problem asset levels . . . could continue to hinder investor confidence in the story,' Mr. Trone wrote to clients.

For many investors, the daily drumbeat of bad news is causing even more pessimism about Citigroup's exposure to risky assets and the difficulties Mr. Pandit faces in turning around the global financial giant he took over last December.

Citigroup executives say the bank has ample capital and funding and will be able to absorb waves of loan defaults for which banks of all sizes around the world are bracing. They also have expressed frustration over the sliding stock price, but maintain it doesn't threaten the company's viability.

Still, this month's 53% stock-price drop could prompt some of Citigroup's trading partners to start 'pulling away,' says Roger Lister, chief credit offer of credit-rating firm DBRS. In 4 p.m. New York Stock Exchange composite trading, Citigroup shares fell $1.96 to $6.40, their lowest closing value in more than 13 1/2 years.

In another sign of rising jitters, the annual cost of insuring $10 million of Citigroup debt for five years ballooned Wednesday to about $342,000, up by more than $100,000 from the previous day, according to CMA DataVision. That is far below the cost of insuring Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. debt was shortly before the securities firm plunged into bankruptcy court in mid-September.

The U.S. government has a huge stake in seeing Citigroup right itself, given the $25 billion infusion the bank got as part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program. But it isn't clear what, if any, additional steps federal officials might be willing to take.

That question is haunting the company's stock. 'Fixed-income people are less worried because they know the support will be there,' Mr. Lister says. 'For equity investors, it will be there, but at what cost?' Stock investors seem increasingly resigned to the possibility that their stakes will be heavily diluted.

Tanya Azarchs, a credit analyst at Standard & Poor's, says the federal government has made a 'broad expression of support.' At the same time, though, Citigroup is struggling with intensifying problems. 'As we're watching the deterioration here of the market . . . it makes us think that the mark-to-market write-offs are not over yet,' she adds.

Among scenarios that seemed implausible just a few months ago, speculation is growing that Citi will be forced to seek a merger with a stronger financial institution. Citi officials have said that isn't necessary.

David Enrich

花旗股价暴跌 投资者信心尽失

焦虑的投资者推动花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)的股价大幅下挫,这为首席执行长潘伟迪(Vikram Pandit)让市场对这家深陷困境的银行重拾信心带来了更大压力。

花旗集团股价周三暴跌了23%,这是该股历史上的最大跌幅,也令花旗集团的市值在过去3天里缩水了三分之一。花旗集团现在已沦为美国第五大银行,刚刚晋升为第四位的U.S. Bancorp只拥有相当于花旗集团九分之一的资产。



Fox-Pitt, Kelton的分析师大卫·特罗恩(David Trone)对花旗第四季度亏损将加大的预期也推动了股票的下跌。特罗恩在写给客户的研究报告中称,花旗问题资产的水平可能进一步挫伤投资者对该公司的信心。



不过,信用评级机构DBRS的首席信用长罗杰·李斯特尔(Roger Lister)说,本月53%的股价跌幅可能促使花旗集团的一些交易伙伴开始对其敬而远之。周三花旗股价下跌1.96美元,至6.40美元,为13年半以来的最低收盘价。

对该公司担忧加剧的另一个迹象是,根据CMA DataVision的数据,为花旗集团1,000万美元债券承保五年的年成本周三飙升至约342,000美元,较上一个交易日增加了10多万多美元。这仍远远低于雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.) 9月中旬申请破产保护前不久该公司债券的承保成本。



标准普尔(Standard & Poor's)的信贷分析师泰娅·阿萨克斯(Tanya Azarchs)说,联邦政府多方表达了支持的意见。不过与此同时,花旗集团也面临着更加严峻的问题。她说,鉴于目前市场状况的恶化,我们认为按市价计值的冲销尚未结束。


作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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