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主题: [新闻]加州民主党参议员遭人威胁
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作者 [新闻]加州民主党参议员遭人威胁   

警告次数: 1

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
声望: 博导
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2005/11/01
文章: 4896

海归分: 442560

文章标题: [新闻]加州民主党参议员遭人威胁 (1236 reads)      时间: 2011-1-28 周五, 12:52   

作者:Diamondhorse海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

【Anybody is a Rush Limbaugh follower?】

SACRAMENTO, CA - Someone left St. Sen. Leland Yee a racially offensive, mostly unair-able voicemail overnight. The caller was angry the San Francisco Democrat called for boycotting the advertisers of conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

The caller said: "Dude, why don't you just resign from office - from orfice, rather-- and go get a whatchamacallit, an eggroll and an unfortunate cookie and eat it."

Yee found the voicemail threatening because he also received faxes the day before with a pick-up truck dragging a noose.

"Anytime anybody makes a threat to your life or anyone who suggests your demise (it's disturbing)," Yee said.

He added, "What it does for me is embolden me that I'm going to continue and fight and stand for what I think is appropriate and right."

Yee took on Limbaugh for mocking the Chinese president last week during his White House visit.

Because many Chinese-Americans found it offensive, Yee demanded an apology, but Limbaugh refused.

"When you have a person like Rush Limbaugh thinking that it's okay to mock and to ridicule and to laugh at different cultures, then you are now allowing children to think it's okay to do that," Yee said.

The senator was similarly targeted last year when he demanded that Cal State Stanislaus reveal how much it paid Sarah Palin to be a keynote speaker.

Investigators of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' shooting are also looking into Yee's faxes because they are similar to the ones she received.

Yee, who is running for mayor of San Francisco, says he won't change his public appearances even though he's shaken.

"The words are very, very hurtful and painful," he said. "But the pictures on the faxes we got were just frightening."

The Senate Sergeant-At-Arms can't discuss the Yee case for security reasons, but he says an average of two threats a day come in to senators. He actually tells lawmakers not to talk about the threats publicly because they encourage more people do it.

Nannette Miranda

作者:Diamondhorse海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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