Let's see some real life snow photos in Suzhou -- 给功夫教授
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#1: Let's see some real life snow photos in Suzhou -- 给功夫教授 (3405 reads) 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2008-2-02 周六, 11:07
作者:Sandy_Rose海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


by the time I leave work.

It was beautiful

The next morning, not so beautiful any more. It took 4 big men to help me get my car out of the parking space.

On the road.

Thank you!

Thank you all!

how many days will it take you to where you wanna go with this kind of speed? the good thing is, don't bother with seat belt, u r not gonna fly out of the window even with an accident. oh, and I am low in gas as you can see Very Happy

Arrived safe and sound.要不是昨晚把钱包忘在办公室,才不会去上班呢。

office 里面我养在水晶泥里的绿萝上居然有一滴小水珠,用我的小傻瓜拍下来。1个小时后,水滴蒸发了。

作者:Sandy_Rose海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由Sandy_Rose于2008-2-02 周六, 11:46修改,总共修改了2次

海归论坛 -> 海归酒吧

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