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#1: 国外犯罪最新技术之2(手把手教你如何偷电脑) (1890 reads) 作者: 山东斯汀来自: 某国驻华使馆 文章时间: 2007-6-20 周三, 22:46
作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

The Real Hustle - Laptop Theft /6/20下午听写作业

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kscJpQ9faQA 播放 今天下午的听写作业(如何偷笔记本电脑)

https://ash-v194.ash.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=kscJpQ9faQA 下载

Today they're here to plot a scam for our hidden cameras that first hit the headline in UK 3 years ago. The scam which involves an x-ray machine, a laptop, some clever choreography.

Every year in UK, over 34,000 laptops were stolen, and but 10% of them happened in airport which means every year three and a half thousands laptops are stolen in airports.

Paul and Alex are moving through the airport on the looking out someone carrying on the laptop bag just like their own. Alex spots alike looking Mark and give the signal to Paul to note the selected target.

They plan to substitute their own bag or ringer to the victim's one.

They move in, close in training the Marker cause he pass through the terminal on his way to join the queue for the x-ray machine.

Over the x-ray area, our hidden cameras look on travelers pass through security. Paul passes through metal detector and starts to gather his belongings.

Meanwhile, Alex passes through the metal detector but he sets something in alone. So the security staff checks his pocket before he can move on.

While Alex has been searched, Paul gets his stuff and leaves.

Now Alex is through. Our Marker passes through the detector, collects his laptop and he's away. So it was the scam.

If we watch the sequence again, we can see what's happened.

Paul is carrying a laptop bag which he puts through x-ray machines along with colt . he then walks through the metal detector and it's all clear. On the other side, he moves his laptop bag down to the end of the convey boat. At this point, Alex passes through the gate and deliberately sets off of security alarm by carrying lots of metal items in his pocket.

On the other side of the machine, the Mark is already put his laptop onto the boat but he cannot yet pass the gate to collect it because Alex is still been searched. Paul casually put on his coat and wait for Mark's laptop to come out to the x-ray machine.

The Mark's laptop is out to be resigned shorts under his reach which now gives Paul opportunity to grab it.

Now the Paul is left his bags ---- bag or ringer on the convey boat.
the mark picks up the ringer and continues on his way. But the time he discovers his misfortune, it will be too late.

It's essential when going through any kind of security check point. Make sure you keep your eye on it, don't be diverted from it.

if anybody else happens to get control of it. You can call someone's attention and they can stop them for you. But always keep you eye on your goods, never be distracted.



作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

海归论坛 -> 海归酒吧

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