[转帖]from a country whose FD Administration has lost credi
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#1: [转帖]from a country whose FD Administration has lost credi (1016 reads) 作者: parisparis 文章时间: 2007-6-10 周日, 04:13
作者:parisparis海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


ahhhh, so obvious....

People will ask what are they doing BEFORE the tension intensifies...

China Fails U.S. Supplements, Raisins Amid Food-Safety Tensions

By Dune Lawrence

June 9 (Bloomberg) -- China's safety and quality watchdog announced that three kinds of U.S. health supplements and a brand of raisins failed safety tests amid growing tensions between the two countries over food exports.

It's the second time in less than two weeks that China has made an example of foreign food and beverage producers, after Groupe Danone, the world's biggest yogurt maker, said May 30 that Chinese authorities seized about 118 tons of Evian mineral water for breaching safety rules.

China faces pressure to show that it is taking steps to address food safety in the wake of cases of poisonous pet food, drugs and toothpaste in the U.S. and Latin America linked to Chinese exporters.

Health supplements and raisins from U.S. companies had higher-than-allowed counts of a type of bacteria, mold and sulfur dioxide, according to a statement yesterday on the Web site of China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.

The administration called on local bureaus to ``increase testing and quarantine of U.S. food exports'' and warned importers to lower their risk by specifying food safety requirements in contracts when dealing with U.S. food imports.

Food trade between the two countries has become increasingly politicized in past weeks. U.S. legislators, led by Representative John Dingell, on June 6 urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to consider a ban on all food imports from China unless the FDA can ensure their safety.

China on June 7 issued details of its plan to revamp its food safety system by 2010 to be able to handle food recalls and deal with accidents.

To contact the reporter on this story: Dune Lawrence in Beijing at [email protected]

作者:parisparis海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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