欧洲板材Board/Plywood企业出售 -- 寻找中国产业投资者
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#1: 欧洲板材Board/Plywood企业出售 -- 寻找中国产业投资者 (2238 reads) 作者: zhu2002 文章时间: 2010-12-09 周四, 19:06
作者:zhu2002项目找投资与合作 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

欧洲板材企业 Board/Plywood,

Sales €23mln, profit €1mln (previsions 2010)

Lines of products:

1) standard boards and plywoods. Earlier were produced in France, since a couple of years import from China. Selling to big French retailers. Stable business 标准板和三合板,目前从中国进口,渠道是法国零售商。

2) special non-burining plywoods for railroads and yachts. Growing and high-margin business, with big potential for international expansion (in Asia notably). 自己生产高端:特种防火三合板,铁路,游艇应用。高增长性。

The owner-fund looks for exit and quickly.
For Chinese buyer - good access to big distributors for normal quality Chinese plywood and good point of entry on high-margin market of special plywoods.

1 高质量的销售渠道 , 增加5-7000万欧元的销售额,并且利润增加1倍。
2 特种产品的增长市场,并可以增加中国市场和其他市场的销售。
3 移民等副产品

联系 norway_27 (at) hotmail com

作者:zhu2002项目找投资与合作 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由zhu2002于2010-12-14 周二, 23:45修改,总共修改了1次

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