[ZT+注释] 很多美国佬不玩虚的
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#1: [ZT+注释] 很多美国佬不玩虚的 (3296 reads) 作者: strawhat2tiny2tiny 文章时间: 2009-11-30 周一, 17:59
作者:strawhat2tiny2tiny海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

搜了1下过去同学的BLOG, ZT这么1段。
这个同学是很优秀的,学习上,工作上,在1个坑干很多年,现在做SENIOR ARCHITECT的位置吧,也自己开公司S,算是SIDELINE吧。论聪明那是绝对的



好象TOPIC是OPEN SOURCE,OPEN SOURCE又是朝廉价的方向,越来越多的人可以用少钱买东西
所以说:表看这些平凡的美国佬, 对世界的作用总体是好的

Southwest ****** Code Camp
On **** we will be having the first (as far as I know) Code Camp in ****. As both an organizer as well as a presenter, I encourage everyone in the area to attend this free event.

There are no corporate sponsors and all of the presenters are from the community doing presentations and demos for the community. There will be free lunch (I think) and plenty of free information!

For more information, please check out the Code Camp website:

My presentation will be on creating .NET solutions using free/open source tools! It was interesting to create the demo so I hope that remains when I actually give the presentation.

作者:strawhat2tiny2tiny海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由strawhat2tiny2tiny于2009-11-30 周一, 19:02修改,总共修改了1次

海归论坛 -> 海归酒吧

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