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#1: 什么是美;什么是幸福 (1955 reads) 作者: 网客JT 文章时间: 2008-12-16 周二, 00:12
作者:网客JT海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Beauty is something you know it when you see it, but you can't define it. Or so have we been told. For ages.

But is it really so? in other words, can beauty be quantified?

Yes, it can, according to Christopher Alexander. Beauty CAN be quantified, he thought.

Beauty is ... freedom from Internal Conflict.

Think about it. Be it a building, a piece of painting, a photograph, or any artistic object --

if all the parts, all the components, all the small details, all in all, fit together smoothly, without any conflict to each other, to form a whole object with a clear purpose, then we are looking at a piece of art. We are looking at beauty.

Christopher Alexander是UC 伯克利的建筑学教授。 我却以为他是个极高明的哲学家。

推广到另一个问题-- 对一个人来说, 什么是幸福? 这是一个争论千古的问题。

Freedom From Internal Conflict. 我们可以借用一下Alexander教授的说法。

如果一个人所信仰的,所坚持的,所努力的,能不受自相矛盾的煎熬 -- 注意, 是freedom from, 而不是getting rid of -- 那么,这个人是幸福的。 不管别人认为他是圣人,还是恶棍;不管别人认为他是伟大,还是平庸;不管别人认为他是幸福,还是不幸。他的生命的状态,是一种和谐。他的internal feelings, 可以被称为“幸福”。

然而,现实中的我们,也许从我们的信仰体系开始,就被自相矛盾象杂草似的紧紧缠住了。更不用说我们的行为,我们的期望, 我们与别人和社会的互动,。。。


Away, I'd rather sail away
Like a swan that's here and gone
A man gets tied up to the ground,
he gives the world,
its saddest sound,
its saddest sound.
(Simon and Garfunkel:El Condor Pasa)


作者:网客JT海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由网客JT于2008-12-16 周二, 00:21修改,总共修改了1次

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