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主题: ZT: 颤抖吧 500万年后男人将灭绝 女性独自繁衍 【愚人节笑话?】
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作者 ZT: 颤抖吧 500万年后男人将灭绝 女性独自繁衍 【愚人节笑话?】   
所跟贴 ZT: 颤抖吧 500万年后男人将灭绝 女性独自繁衍 【愚人节笑话?】 -- Diamondhorse - (838 Byte) 2013-4-04 周四, 21:52 (11741 reads)

头衔: 海归上校

头衔: 海归上校
声望: 博导
性别: 性别:女
加入时间: 2006/10/02
文章: 4061
来自: 多伦多
海归分: 98075

文章标题: 顶一下,想听遗传学专家来讲这个问题 (8184 reads)      时间: 2013-4-05 周五, 04:17   

作者:阳光在多城海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

摘抄一段英文报道,来源网站:New scientist.com

In humans, it now carries a mere 19 of the 800 genes it originally shared with the X. Given that rate of loss, some geneticists have predicted that the chromosome will lose its final gene in 4.6 million years.

Not so, says Jennifer Hughes at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She and her colleagues have just sequenced the Y chromosome of the rhesus macaque - a primate that diverged from humans around 25 million years ago.

They found that the monkey's Y chromosome contains 20 genes that match its X chromosome, and 19 of them are the same as human Y genes. This suggests that the human Y chromosome has lost only one gene since humans and macaques last shared a common ancestor (Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature10843).

"We finally have empirical data that the Y chromosome has held steady over the last 25 million years," says Hughes. "Most of the Y chromosome's gene loss happened almost immediately after it stopped recombining with the X chromosome." The 19 surviving genes probably have vital biological functions, she says, and so aren't going anywhere anytime soon.


这个实验似乎设计得不错,Y消失理论的鼓吹者 Jenny Graves,就是澳大利亚那个教授,也说这个实验不错,但素:
"It's a very nice piece of work," says Jenny Graves at the University of Melbourne, Australia, a proponent of the disappearing Y chromosome theory. However, Graves remains unconvinced that the Y will stick around for much longer. If versions of its 19 genes crop up on other chromosomes - which could happen at any time - those on the Y chromosome could be replaced, and males would no longer need the Y. They would become X0, because they would carry an X and an empty space where the Y used to be.

作者:阳光在多城海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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