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主题: [老中原创] CQ外经贸委刊物约稿[DRAFT], 请指正, 请狠拍! THX!
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作者 [老中原创] CQ外经贸委刊物约稿[DRAFT], 请指正, 请狠拍! THX!   
所跟贴 [老中原创] CQ外经贸委刊物约稿[DRAFT], 请指正, 请狠拍! THX! -- laozhong - (3096 Byte) 2010-2-07 周日, 01:46 (2486 reads)

头衔: 海归中校

头衔: 海归中校
声望: 博导

加入时间: 2008/08/22
文章: 459

海归分: 33609

文章标题: 那就不客气了,只提一提英文修改意见 - 原文是黑体 (544 reads)      时间: 2010-2-07 周日, 13:32   

作者:weepingwillow海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Meet Chongqing college graduating students holding 4 - 6 job offers from Fortune 500 companies in China

Meet Chongqing college students holding 4 to 6 job offers from Fortune 500 companies

While most college graduating students are in difficulty finding jobs, most foreign companies in China are also in difficulty finding qualified employees.

While college seniors are struggling to find their first job these days, most foreign companies in China are having difficulty finding qualified employees.

However, in my 9 years with my 10000+ college students since 2001, I did see a few students holding 4 - 6 job offers from Fortune 500 companies in China!

Yet in my nine years with my 10,000 plus college students, I did see a few receiving 4 to 6 job offers from Fortune 500 companies in China.

Who are they? Why do they get so many hard-to-get job offers?

Who are they? Why do they get multiple hard-to-get job offers?

I gradually realized they have at least seven traits in common:

Over the time I found seven things in common among those students:

1. They are all female.

Why? Because fresh graduates can only get entry level positions for which male do not seem to be advantageous while all the top management in the world are dominated by male.

Why? because fresh graduates usually only get entry-level positions and male graduates do not necesssarily have any advantage in competinng for those entry-level positions, although top management is dominated by males everywhere in the world.

There are also many other reasons why Fortune 500 companies in China have more entry-level female employees than male. In contrast, domestic companies in China always get criticized for their sex discrimination against female in recruitment.

Fortune 500 companies in China acutally have more entry-level female employees than male. In comparison, domestic companies are often criticized for discrimination against female in recruitment.

2. They are all shorter than 1.58 m. (5'2").

2. They are short - all shorter than 1.58m (5'2").

Why? Because taller girls have more choices and they tend to switch jobs often.

Why? because taller girls have more choices and tend to change jobs often and a potential employer does not want to hire someone who will hang around for only a short while.

3. They are not very pretty, but not ugly either.

Why? Because pretty girls have more choices and they tend to switch jobs often. This is why most airlines in China stopped hiring pretty girls long ago.

Why? Because like tall girls pretty girls have more choices and tend to change jobs often. This is why most airlines in China stopped hiring pretty girls long ago.

The reason they are not ugly is because foreign companies seem to care about their company images in China and/or they have so many applicants to choose from due to their much better compensation packeges [Note that domestic companies in China are catching up!]

The reason they are not ugly is because people are image of a company and Fortune 500 companies usually have such a large pool of applicants to choose from, why would they hire someone who is so unattractive?

4. Their English are not bad, but not very good either.

Their English is good but not great.

Over the 9 years I was with my 10000+ students, I identified only 183 local "English Masters" who speak English fluently with pretty accurate pronounciation. However, none of the 4-6 job offer holders above are "English Masters"!

In my 9 years with over 10,000 students, I identified only 183 "English Masters" , those who speak English fluently with accurate pronounciation. However, none of the 4 to 6 job offer holders above are "English Masters"!

Why? Because good English speakers have more choices and they tend to switch jobs often.

Why? Because good English speakers have more choices and tend to change jobs often.

5. They are all from small towns, not the big cities, not the countryide either.

Why? Because the kids from big cities are almost 100% from single-child families and, therefore, more spoiled while those from the countryside might not be exposed to the complicated world much.

Why? because kids from big cities are almost 100% from single-child families and, therefore, more spoiled while those from the countryside might have had limited exposure to the complicated world as much.

6. Most of them were from the second class universities in Chongqing, not the first class or higher, not the third class or lower either.

6. Most of them were from medicore colleges in Chongqing, neither top-rated universities nor really bad schools.

Why? Because those from top universities in China have more choices and they tend to switch jobs often.

Why? because those from top universities have more choices and thus tend to change jobs often and those from lowly-ranked schools obviously have very little chance.

7. They are all smart and sensitive enough to have rather clear pictures in mind regarding what their bosses really want and they are capable enough to deliver what their bosses want even without their bosses' instruction!

7. They are all smart and sensitive and usaully understand what their bosses really want, and they are capable of delivering what their bosses want even without their bosses' instruction!

Can you find someone like I described above?

Can you find someone who fits my description above?

I think it is very unlikely, but you may be lucky enough to find one with 4-6 traits above.

I think it is very unlikely. You will be lucky enough to find one who fits 4 to 6 things I listed.

作者:weepingwillow海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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