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主题: 你还相信吉姆.罗杰斯对于中国的预言吗?
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作者 你还相信吉姆.罗杰斯对于中国的预言吗?   
所跟贴 下面这段录像的英文,老兄能写出来吗? -- 已满13岁 - (65 Byte) 2009-3-01 周日, 00:58 (819 reads)

头衔: 海归中校

头衔: 海归中校
声望: 学员

加入时间: 2005/09/20
文章: 20
来自: apple
海归分: 51866

文章标题: 听写了一个小时的成果,大约3处没听清楚 (479 reads)      时间: 2009-3-01 周日, 21:27

作者:小心天使海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Gerald Celente –he is last with us in the year 2000,the director and founder of the trendsresearch institude.he describes so fast unencumbered by political dogma and conventional wisdom.He’s very famous cocide us about ourselves. The trends research institude anylaze its world shaping invents and forecast tomorrow’s trends with the network of 25 experts.The range was range d experience rivaled most top universities.This research has led Gerald to develop ridicial views—views that disturb politicians as much as they charge new opportunities for everyone of us.Let the data speak itself is one of his phrases,and let us attack the future before it attack s us .Ladies and gentlemen,please give a warm welcome to Gerald celente.
I’m a trend forecaster. And I live in upstate newyork about 2 hours north of network city,a little city called rambach,orienginally a brown’ cat,but we social clients.and I have a old friend up in rambach chaos.he’s 91 years old .and I run into him in town,going to the post office.he says to me : well how are you doing Gerald ? so how am I doing .man ,look what’s going on:
Tsunamis,hurricanes,cyclones,earthquakes, madcow disease,bird flu,SARS,wars,terrorism.chaos looks at me and says :cheer up ,there’s no hope.so that’s why I’m dancing.It’s time to rock easy. Relax yourself.I’m a trend forecaster and tracking trends is a way of seeing where we are,understanding how we got here and then anticipate where we are going. So that you can develop strategies and services and anticipation of what the future may bring.Nobody can predict the future.There are so many wild cast out there ,its impossible.but you can see the face of the future.you can see yourselves.we are all doing what we are doing in life because of the decisions that we’ve made.one of the problems people have in looking at trends is that they are only interested in what they do.And what we see is that opportunity misses those who view the world though the eyes of their profession.You should know your profession,but you have to learn about those social economic environmental cultural so ceal ecomomic jail political trends that are also developing.Think for your self.These are critical times.Think for your self. The fire in the north tower is under control.Said the fire martials in 911.Go back to your offices.And theother thing that people talk about is thinking outside the box.What box? As soon as you stop thinking outside the box,you’ve all ready restricted your thinking capabilities .These is no box.There are no rules,this is the globle edge.All things are connected as the blood would unite us all.
Innovation . Its Innovation.And innovation will be the key in the 21 century,not numbers.Right now Europe ,united states .we can out perform china .You cant come out of price ideoms .Its not gonna happen. They has numbers.But they are gearing up and innovation is the next step because its falling behind in a lot of places.my mantra -- everywhere I go,whether its in the states or around the world—I ‘m talking to people that are interested in innovation ,has vision—is don’t let your quality down.
Iraq. Most of what I see we have forecast for years ago.one of them is the iraq war.We have forecast what would happen 1month before the war.this is Feb.18 2003.Quote:while the victory on the battle field may be swift considering most massive military power of the coalition forces.The war against iraq will eventually be lost.Iraq generals have promise to launch unrelenting suicide attacks against coalition forces and about to fight down to the last man to repeal invaders.Thus ,a globle war will drag on until they have regain control of their country.one year later, on Dec.2nd
Defence secretary Donald Henry Rumsfeld said: if you are asking ,was there any understanding or agreement that that there would likely be a lodge or sergeancy after wars ?I dont believe that anyone would say that.Well we did.Here’s President Bush last week: Despite setbacks and misteps .Man ,this is 300 billion dollars.of my moneys my country’s money.I strongly believe that we did and we are doing the right thing. Who can get away from that staff?which one of your people in your job : hey sorry Jack,Just lost a couple of millions dollars.but in misstep everything is gonna be fine.Now I know why mark twain said : Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.
Iran. 55% of American people according to a recent LA times bloomberg news poll,why attack iran :to knock out their nuclear facilities.cree,you win that one too.You will be the beginning of world war 3
American#1. You want to make a American angry by the way,just say: hey ,you are not no.1.Oh will they hit the roof. And you are not the best country in the world.on they are really go nuts.And you know when you are no.1,and you are the best,you know everything,nobody can tell you anything.And that attitude permeates from the top to the bottom.To the guys who don’t delegates the test: you gonna telling me?how about these media guys.They know everything,you are not no.1.When it comes to the quality of life ,the ECONOMIST,really a leftwing magazine ,ranks the united states 13th.It’s 24th in l long jevity 42nd in F….and 37th in health care according to the world health organization that other subversive group—the CIA world fact book.So American is not no.1,and that’s the major trend shaping the world .So as we look at the trendsand we see what’s going on.I mention this too.Because people you know they say in europe :ye we look at America as the biggest democracy they’ve done so much,Yes they have. As I said it breaks my heart.They are not democracy,they are plutocracy.91% got reelected of the incumbents in the general election.Its a plutocracy.

作者:小心天使海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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