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主题: VIX has never disappointed traders ! 经历过87股崩的八哥谈股市
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作者 VIX has never disappointed traders ! 经历过87股崩的八哥谈股市   
所跟贴 VIX has never disappointed traders ! 经历过87股崩的八哥谈股市 -- 八哥 - (2181 Byte) 2008-10-07 周二, 03:13 (1694 reads)

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加入时间: 2008/01/11
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文章标题: there is a difference between (386 reads)      时间: 2008-10-07 周二, 08:16   

作者:网客JT海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

systemic collapse vs. "ordinary bubble" bursting -- if there is such a thing as "ordinary bubble".

If this is late 1940s, from your logic I guess you would have betted on 蒋总统而不是PLA.

有句话叫“兵败如山倒”。 其实不只是俗语。 系统性的崩溃是有其内在规律的。

So my bet is: this is far from the bottom.

Will there be sucker's rallies? sure, there have been plenty recently. Will the market stablize and even go up from here? go ahead catch the falling knife, prop up the falling house, pretend the earth below is not trembling -- have faith! Faith is not a bad thing, after all.

Good trading.

P.S. The market will bottom, some day. So some of the bottom fisheres will be right, eventually. The market, being heavy-handedly interfered as it is, will still exist after all this. Not because the government didn't try to kill free market, but because there is no viable replacement social organizational structure to replace it, so it will survive, hence it will turn up eventually.

The question is, after how much damage, i.e. when.

作者:网客JT海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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