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 首页 » 个人文集 »  Candyheart(59)

     The blue sweater on Chinese New Year... (789 byte) 2008-03-01 3:21 (1763 reads)
     晚饭后折腾几套suits... (931 byte) 2008-01-13 14:09 (2195 reads)
     [原创贴图]2008年第一餐 * 健康爱心简易Brunch ^^ (1362 byte) 2008-01-02 2:50 (2200 reads)
     [真人show]随便帖帖,最近穿的比较easy... (1497 byte) 2007-12-27 10:57 (3647 reads)
     xixixi, I finally got my GC :D (275 byte) 2007-12-06 9:53 (1819 reads)
     [闲聊]发个牢骚,最近很没自信,closing of a conversation, too modest!! (1734 byte) 2007-12-04 2:44 (2618 reads)
     [恬心真人秀]一个BR Dress随便拍几张(加了未PS眼妆大照片) (917 byte) 2007-11-23 13:26 (3049 reads)
     [闲聊]It must be love, but a different type... (2029 byte) 2007-11-16 23:24 (1508 reads)
     [恬心真人秀/无PS]2.5身suit look (BR+AnnTaylor+Tahari+Coach+...) (1371 byte) 2007-11-12 10:48 (2599 reads)
     [问题]what's better than sex? (407 byte) 2007-11-09 23:33 (1851 reads)
     [恬心真人兽]20张公园偶拾~~ (1608 byte) 2007-11-05 0:35 (3764 reads)
     [真人兽8张]随便贴贴,无PS,深夜扫MALL :) (1069 byte) 2007-11-03 13:41 (2975 reads)
     [建议]OH COME'N, GIMME A BREAK ABOUT THIS LOVE DISCUSSION!!! :D (1180 byte) 2007-10-25 22:46 (1300 reads)
     [贴图]这两天又买了不少,嘿嘿!这三个包包咋样?@@ (1396 byte) 2007-10-22 0:03 (2200 reads)
     [推荐]分享个网站,波儿,Tahari,天蝎座mms等给评价一下?关于style的:) (513 byte) 2007-10-10 14:59 (2727 reads)
     建议你看看"blink"这本书(k,我提了好几次了,今天刚看完,呼呼)。所谓的“以貌取人”“第一印象”“第六感”“直觉” (3985 byte) 2007-10-10 11:16 (753 reads)
     [闲聊]************2 MONTHS, AND FINALLY SOLD 2 ACN************ (2042 byte) 2007-10-02 0:35 (2003 reads)
     [转帖]追踪sex and the city电影(Single and Fabulous) (527 byte) 2007-09-30 6:53 (2353 reads)
     [恬心分享]Live Like You Were Dying (12) <the End>: YOU CAN DO IT (2833 byte) 2007-09-29 9:07 (1651 reads)
     [问题]Want to have a dog... Any suggestions? (356 byte) 2007-09-29 5:10 (1967 reads)
     [恬心分享]Live Like You Were Dying - (11) Forgive Yourself... (6122 byte) 2007-09-29 4:04 (2390 reads)
     [恬心分享]Live Like You Were Dying - (10) A Special Friend: WHO? (3767 byte) 2007-09-28 8:43 (2409 reads)
     [恬心分享]Live Like You Were Dying (9)- Too Many STOP Signs, GO! (3192 byte) 2007-09-28 1:20 (2489 reads)
     [恬心分享]Live Like You Were Dying (8) - Love Letters... (3184 byte) 2007-09-28 0:22 (2568 reads)
     [恬心分享]Live Like You Were Dying (7) - "and I Spoke SWEETER" (3733 byte) 2007-09-27 22:19 (2507 reads)
     [闲聊]Offer Negotiation with ACN - Back on Track... (2657 byte) 2007-09-27 5:25 (1287 reads)
     [恬心分享]Live Like You Were Dying (6) - "I love you. Beautiful" (3780 byte) 2007-09-27 3:37 (2758 reads)
     [恬心分享]Live Like You Were Dying (5) - "and I loved DEEPER" (4464 byte) 2007-09-27 2:49 (2516 reads)
     [转帖/分享]是朋友?还是工作夥伴? (5079 byte) 2007-09-27 0:31 (2059 reads)
     [讨论][闲聊]A quick offer negotiation: +$20k in 10min, NON-ACN~~ (2901 byte) 2007-09-26 5:35 (2792 reads)
     Happy! Got Accenture Offer!! :-D Now negotiating~~ (921 byte) 2007-09-25 3:37 (2020 reads)
     [恬心分享]Live Like You Were Dying (4) - Go! Just GO! (3705 byte) 2007-09-25 2:46 (2249 reads)
     [闲聊]I come to 98 for nothing special :) (1854 byte) 2007-09-24 23:51 (2733 reads)
     [恬心有感]Live Like You Were Dying (3) -A New Start The Real YOU (4722 byte) 2007-09-24 10:54 (1393 reads)
     [恬心分享]Live Like You Were Dying (2) - Father & Son * Fishing (3164 byte) 2007-09-24 8:45 (1954 reads)
     [恬心分享]Live Like You Were Dying (1) - 书册摘抄 (3421 byte) 2007-09-24 4:32 (1459 reads)
     [恬心原创/更新完]Family Room墙挂之*Celebrity签名卡通肖像Cindy and SS and Who (1526 byte) 2007-09-22 10:18 (1352 reads)
     [闲聊][分享/zt]17 页的面试经验报告 (35212 byte) 2007-09-18 10:52 (2082 reads)
     [转帖]职场上最欠抽的九种恶俗色狼男上司(图) (2584 byte) 2007-09-18 10:26 (2908 reads)
     [贴图][分享]这绝对是艺术,OMG! @@ (1697 byte) 2007-09-17 7:37 (2211 reads)
     [恬心有感]找工趣谈之*世界好小(嘿嘿,咱也开始“品牌意识”了^^) (3033 byte) 2007-09-16 1:30 (1664 reads)
     DING! 不过哪一条是孙子兵法里的?不用回答了,今天累了,大脑要休息勒^^ (1554 byte) 2007-09-13 3:31 (565 reads)
     [分享/zt]职场 and Chinese文化价值观 (1547 byte) 2007-09-13 3:17 (920 reads)
     [闲聊/分享/zt]老美的职场厚黑学(问题:孙子兵法咋用?) (3341 byte) 2007-09-13 2:54 (4063 reads)
     [转帖]职场人必看的12个寓言故事 [哈哈,我还没看,贴这儿给自己做个笔记先:-D] (4649 byte) 2007-09-13 2:37 (721 reads)
     [转帖][闲聊]工作与生活, 享受与压力 (1280 byte) 2007-09-13 2:24 (996 reads)
     [闲聊/讨论/zt]30岁职业女性的十大困惑 (1820 byte) 2007-09-13 2:17 (3526 reads)
     [转帖][分享]着装之顿悟 (1395 byte) 2007-09-13 1:49 (1883 reads)
     [更新]... (937 byte) 2007-09-12 5:18 (490 reads)
     [转帖][分享]职场浅见:以恶制恶,你走不远 (eye for eye, you may not go far) (2040 byte) 2007-09-12 1:34 (2514 reads)
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