我记得是从去年开始,大家没事就骂private equity和hedge fund。美国可能还好点,欧陆骂得最欢,连英国都没事就有议员跳出来。

被骂后咱们是不是也应该有点反思?今天Charlie McCreevy, the European Union internal market commissioner说的一句话比较好,我把原话引过来,供大家分享。

“Hedge funds and private equity are good for the market. They have given greater liquidity, they have added shareholder value and they have helped the rationalisation (我加一句:这哥们说话还挺委婉,前几天一个议员骂hedge fund and private equity是entirely beneficial)and innovation of companies,”

“If you were to pick an example of any group that has done a notoriously bad job at public relations, it is these two. And I am not sure whether they will be able to recover the lost ground,”

“All you ever read about them are the massive fortunes that individuals make. You just see loads and loads of bad publicity.”