in case there is a confusion leading to political incorrection generalization on my part, based on a few commentary posts i placed here, here is what i would like to clarify with

i have personal friends from singpore, but i hope there was not such a thing as Singlish

i have personal friend in south Korea (non here in USA) but i wish on the whole they are more open minded

i have personal firends from japan, non in japan, but on the whole, i hope they can influence their own government to avoid the right wing extreme trend in the ultra nationalist politics

i have personal friends in and from USA, but I wish they could travel more often in more countries to appreciate alternative points of views

i have some friends in israel, but i wish….

i have personal friends either in or from other countries, but i hope all understand one thing: no one is better than anyone else as a people group

we are all human beings. education, exposures and life experiences make big differences.

i spit on those believe they are naturally superior to other social groups and treated others as sub spieces…i do not give a FK what position that someone is holding. here you would see the slogan everywhere don’t mess with texas but together, chinese can and will make those who walk all over them sorry! more power to the secretories who do not settle for a slave status in China!