when more and more chinese walk around with more money than before, without a low profile gesture, there will sooner or later ba a anti-chinese sentiment. the jananese had that in the 80-90’s in europe and in usa, the americans experienced that in europe in early last century

not that the chinese are already there that strong, but if you look at the trade wars between china and us and between china and EU, and the legislations everywhere being passed against the chinese interests as a nation

be careful

one time i was in sichuan, i heard people from a small county of shandong province bad mouthing sichuan, while that was exactly where they were. frankly i felt sick of those guys: just because all of sudden you have a few more bucks than before, does not amke you any smarter than the people you are visiting. that atitude is not going to help

people around shanghai resented people from shanghai in the old days because people from shanghai talked and acted like they woned zhejiang and jiangsu on their visits…

anyway, if we want to be treated with respects, we need to behave ourselves

on the other hand those who have no confidence derived from our own cultrual base, will be among the first group of chinese feeling lost, when the other cultural based people look at us with viased views out of narrow minded perspectives.

i have never been racially discriminated against so far, but i am getting ready for what’s coming up against the chinese. if you remember what the first group of chinese did when traded with russians and left the russians to believe chinese are cheater….well, get ready to be responsible for something you took no part of