i found the answer to explain your experience over a weekend when you have next door to your office pumping up a lot of juicy stuff for you….and we had a lengthy discussions and comments…

get yourself a book by john lanchester and the title is mr.phillips

if you can get book on audio version would be even better: the voice over actor was first class, brought more out of that book…funny all the way

but it is rated "r" and this is not the gentlemen type of british high society type either

now hawky bird: this is a book get into people’s conscience and sub conscience layer, very outside the box, funny, deep and down to earth.

do not know why but i was surprised i actually could relate to it! i have always disliked british things and always thought the oxford english sounded so fake to me….! this book changed my impression about the brit.s!

hopw you like it too