it seems we have several here studied laws, hope this would be a good subject

my personal belief is

laws are made to enforce the protocols deemed by law makers as appropriate based on the virtues from the value system of the socioty at a specific times.

if the law makers are the representatives from all social groups of a society, then we see that legislation reflecting the values of more balanced sociostructure.

if the law makers are selected to represent a small group of special interests, sure then what will be enforced would only reflect the values of that special group and only to suit their interests

then, we have to look at the judicial system of enforcing the laws once passed. now, no matter what was intended in the legislation, until it is chanllenged and amended, a law is a law. but when it comes to judical justice, at any given society, we would see the bias in the way it is enforced or practiced.

of course some societies may have more dark secrets than others when it comes to the judicial justice. at this point, we can only hope for the best for what is the current justice system in china

on the legislation side, i personally can see the change of the law makers: they are no longer the ones who barely had appropriate educations, and the mix is from a wider range. the legislation today is much better intended than say 10 years ago to reflect more points of views from the society and the values are changing.

what the executive order/regulations/policies are covering today by the central government is appearing to lean towards the under privileged working class in china today. i thought that is a good thing

you can bad mouth china all you want, the improvement and progress is evident. as a chinese i sure hope more could be done in the old country, but i am proud of china for what it is today already! am i proud enough to move back just yet…? i am not sure, we will see….