i had thought about something for long and like to share with all here

1. i have been in a country of totally different culture
for almost two decades, and yet i have never experienced the kind of discrimination and humiliations i had in my own country of birth and where my cultural roots are at

2.the discrimination and humiliations that were brought upon me and produced the psychological impacts on my entire characters to this day, should i blame the people of that country in general? no! then who to blame? MZD and his idea of practicing the right way to practice communism
GCRC twisted the nature of chinese people and they all acted fanatically. certain so cial group with certain background became the eternal enemy of the society and that were to be passed on to generations. My own grandpa died before i was bron and yet i had to pay for how he made his living and his social belongings in the regime before the current one, since i went to elementary school!

the jews were treated in the way we all think dispeak of today. but would it be fair to blame the entire german nation for that? most every joes in that country were not even aware of the practice of such extreme policy.

3.my grandpa had real estate properties in three southwestern provinces in china before WWII, and some were taken care og by the jap bombers, others were taken by the corrupted KMP government defense minister (took over as his own property for free). my mother grew up in normal school where chinese were not allowed to speak but japanese. i have every reason to hate the japanese, but

4. i had worked with teams of japanese engineers and managers at a considerable sized japanese firm as their only agent in entire china market, i enjoyed working with every single one of them. i had a japanese colleague the only other asian in the 600 employee firm, we became personal friends. he also brought more japanese friends into my social life later. then i had japnese neighbors on my block, they appeared to be friendly.

with all above, the question arises here seems to be

would it be fair to blame any ethinic group culture for the evil and sins their ancesstors committed to humanity generations after the fact?

on one hand, i think it would be a shame for us to forget what happened to our grandparents and our parents, on the other hand, it would not be fair to take it out on those barely know much about what their grandparents and their parents did to us.

my own personal experiences, i felt much more violated by the people of my own race and culture and i used to extremely angry towars them and i still cannot forgive MZD
for what he brought upon to the people suffered and what the nation was pushed backwarded with…but if we cannot draw the conclution that chinese are no good (as someone strongly suggested and i fought against just a couple of days ago) then it would be politically incorrect to gneralize that the japanese are evil as a nation or a culture. but we do need the military might to standby just in case that nation is again taken by a small evil group when the political and economical situation develops a good power base for them

i won’t offer another cheeek when the first one was slapped, i will fucking make them regret for what they do to me and make them pay for it dearly! but before then, i would have to tell myself, do not be narrow minded and make an enemy out of innocent people.