only this one was not my own direct experience but told by someone who used to work at an expensive cafe where people pay top dollars only beijing yuanren would be able to afford…anyway

the waitors (the usual shit about male waitors in black to make it fancy) always noticed there was a older guy in dirty suit, always walk around the cafe for a while every day, and for a very long period of time.

everyone thought must be a bum ready to walk in and ask for money, and they all agreed would not let this old man walk in to cause scenes…

to their surprise, one day, the old man walked in his same old dirty suit, order the most expensive stuff on the menu,
(the waitors looked at each toher could not kick him out without a justifiable cause, so they served him but waited for the scene where their manager would blame on them…)

the old man finished, took out a roll of moneyagainst the ticket, counted and left on the table and walked out.

the waitor went to count the money: shit, one of the biggest tip ever got from anyone!

now, looking back why did this old man walk around outside?

what he missed perhaps not just the good food and drink, but the life style of being able to tip really nice was prbably part of what he missed from his earlier life, maybe some CEO of some bgi firm…who knows!