how do we, a memeber of the public, perceive towards an art work, a piece of music from a known or unknow (to you) composer? Or a piece of chreography work of either modern ballet or just modern dance? Or a poem in the form weird to you?

when the art as a media to convey certain message and established to converse…what do you really get from it?

do we all agree that art is really nothing but a dialogue language, consist of the symbles only the people of the times could make sense out of it?

think about the archeology on the ancient discoveries like a fresco. how do we decode the meanings of those symbles? or when you visit the contemporary art museums and chocked stood in front soem of the works had no clue what the work was all about…?

when someone driving a car as a statement, as versus other driving a car as a transportation, a car is a car, but then it is not just a car. the point is what is the expectation of the car makes a difference…

what is the value of a piece of art work? depends on how much you have in your pockect and how much you love the work so you really don’t care about the fair value…

or, you don’t really give a damn about the art, but your consultant told you to buy low and sell high like in security market, and for sure you make money out of the good investments…

well, we all have different perspectives, don’t we?!