what if you are planning your next to become a manager?

well, i mentioned this before. do not waste more than 6 months at a work place, if you know are not getting any where within that organization. but how owudl you know?

well, the industry that you are in makes a difference, so we will have to talk on more generalized basis:

1. identify the power structure in the organization and see if your boss actually carries any weight, and what are the chances he moves his ass for you either by getting tired of the politics he cannot take, or cannot wait for next promotion…stuff like that, or perhaps soemwhere else there is a spot in the company for you?

2. identify the company culture and see what it is that help you attrack the type of attention you deserve. but make sure you are not attracking negative attention as each company is different. so study and plan your moves before you actually make them

3. get close with those secretaries who have longer ears and sit right on top of a lot of inside info, which becomes the designated info channel for you to collect data and make your plan based upon. they appreciate small tiny tiny gifts, or go lunch with them…but do it quietly
you will soon find yourself ahead of a lot of other folks in the same organization because they do not know what you know

4. find a chance to take on a project that will show your capacity yet not to take credit away from your boss.

5. if you know you are not the type to do the real jobs, then study whose works could go into your report and claim credit with, and yet be able to get away with…as long as you know how report as a collective efforts and the good results you reported he/she did not…your name will be noticed by the report…

6. hang out around the customers, and around the bosses properly. never kiss anyone’s ass, it does not work. however, do not argue like a mule either.

7. find out the hobby of your boss and his/her boss, make sure they know that you have the same hobby and make it a good subject as the first conversation talking to them…but don’t keep going on, when they look at their watch…

at any meetings where you and others are expected to talk, you talk, but no BS, make some sense out of what you are saying and get to the point…

if none of the above is helping, then

figure out are you really the kind of people want to become a manager? or is this the wrong place for you.
you many have to make a few mistakes to learn from them, but you cannot make same mistakes everywehre you go.

so move to next job, try out, after a few, you need to ask yourself, maybe i wanna smell more of the roses and enjoy myself more, and quit all this and drop right here… check out whatelse is missing in your life? sentimental stuff? sex life…whatever