OK, so you do not really want to kill yourself over the next promotion but you still want to be…a good fellow worker and all that

1. always greeting everyone at your work place
if you hate long conversation (which is not recommendable for everyone to any one) then you can start with
good morning
what a nice day we have
what a lousy day!
friday! feel good, don’t we?
how are we doing today”
are doing ok today…
or simply wave you hand and go “hey!”
or just hi…which will be non american at work though

2. remember your immediate co-workers brith days and say something on that dayor be cheap and send a e-card and they love that

3. talk to them at the right time from tiem to time and know about how their kids are doing, talk to them about your kids, family…so they get to know you

4. tell eeveryone to have a nice weekend on fridays and ask them about their weekends on mondays

5. play dumb when you have to, but be tough when you know someone is being unfair and try to shove it to your ass

other than that, smile a lot…