
in this country here in us of fucking a, sales is different

you don’t try to get biz by offering stuff to key individuals in most cases, although that may help if that’s not the only thing you offer. (dealing with chain retail company’s buyer is totally different story, those guys you do need your old tricks…i will say no more than this about this part)

especially it is some tech service/products…a more efficient way (this is no MBA BS, this is by experience)

ask yourself, if you were in the shoe of the customer, why would you want to do business with yourself. a good thing about american business. no personal reference is required
(unlike the europeans and chinese) you just walk in and lay out the logics why the heck they need you and if you have the right logic figured out and conveyed the message right, you will always be able to walk away with what you are after…under terms you can live with

so prepare with a well covered compelling PPT
tell yourself the story N times until you truly believe it yourself
then pick up the phone and ask for president. never settle for any small potato lower than VP. in this country, always start from top. have some faith in yourself. wanna be successful? must sound and look like successful

you will have 3-5 minutes over the phoe to sell your sales pitch

if you convinced the other end, you will get your chance for presentation at their office

then you go in and address each and every one’s questions
(kinda like your degree paper defense)

you need to analyzing the market as you see it
you need to tell them what is your niche and why you can project a market share and be able to achive
you need to ask them to give you a chance because…
and a lot more

if you got is a MBA training background, never was in sales
career, well you need to hire someone more polished up to walk the fine line for you