so what seems to be the contemporary culture? (now that we presume the contemporary chinese arts derive from the chinese contemporary culture)

many have their own perspectives and drawn to different conclusions, and here is mine perspective:

what becomes the contemporary chinese culture is a direct result of following contributing factors resulted from the siginificant scale based sociological transformations:

1. the republican revolution that eventually led to a chnese republic, replaced the manchu dynasty. much traditional value were gone with the traditional life style, in a gradue but true cultural revolution process.
the reason was simple: china was defeated by foreigners, and the values of foreigners were intentionally brought in by those started the revolution in wake of the chinese military defeatdriven political reform. the chinese intellectuals as a social group was out crying for serious rethinking, to get the country back on her feet.
2. the may 4th cultural rform campaign and the movements followed, began to touch the cultural roots of many foundamental values of chinese traditonal systems, it began to penetrate the social groups who were not educated in the western styled schools. chian had a contemporary culture of colonial culture base.
3. the socialist revolution: since the communist party came in power and became the ruling party, a systematic cultural shake down program has been implemented by all adminsitrations/regimes under the same constitution. what were deemed as the taste of outstered social groups and thus reflect unhealthy cultural tastes were consistantly
the targets in political movements one after another. all chinese at one time were supposed to think only one way, the only right way, mao’s way, and a brain wash system was in the work for long time, to change the colonial culture into socialist culture.
4. the great cultural revolution campaign. radical and somewhat complete, a violent process to implement a “get to the buttom” exclusive value system Maoist culture in china became the contemporary culture base
5. the reform campaign that the country badly needed called for economic reform which had to base on a certain level of crative thinking to encubate the invention mechanisms. in time, all the different, “non standardized”
cultural taste came back with the foreign market economy mechanism and the merchandises came across the chinese boarder.the cultural transition from pure communist doctrine based to commidty culture.
6. when the country began to have a handful of citizens in more material possessions (again) than other average chinese citizens, the changes in the social and economic structure produce corresponding sociological and cultural changes too. now the material possession desires came to replace the pure idiologies.
7. just like the military defeat in the turn of the 19th century which caused the begining of the collapse of the traditonal chinese value system, and the fundamental cultural changes since then, this time, the economic invasions broke throught he chinese boarders began the collapse of the value system bulit on the pure doctrine based foundations.
8. when there was no traditional chinese value existing as a base, which failed to find its own way back on a rebound after a centry of persistant revolution to clear it out, the country became a nation of no traditional values and thus simply let the foreign values took over.
9. what foreign values are in china? if you look at it, the advertising companies are selling what the car makers and the real estate developers projected images to squueze the wallets of the young chinese who have much more consuming power than other chinese. this generation perceives the contemporary uban life based on what the advertisement lead them to believe. they over consume by getting into debts for cars and apartment beyond their own capacities to pay, only because they want to live in a life style to fit the social image well designated by the advertising companies. Fetishism became the contemporary chinese culture today

since there are no value systems of their own, the value in their life today are the ones of others.

trendy culture pretty much sums up today’s contemporary chinese culture. all media in china talk about what is in and what is out. chinese restuarants changes frequently from one cuisine to another (therefore they musy be replacing chefs frequently) and the home decor style changes frequently. most folks have their homes since urban
renovated several times already and each time there was a record of the cultural taste in trend of the time being

now that we know what happened between the last chinese dynasty and where the chinese citizens are today, we thus know what’s behind what appears to be in today, we therefore know this is just an ongoing trend continue to evolve, until the chinese as a whole find its own cultural roots and turn it into a cultural base again.

after the WWII, the japense went through a period of time that the military defeat brought the amrican occupation troops to their soil. foreign value dominated japanese society for a long time. but today, the traditional japanese value already came back or begin toc ome back.

China will, when the kids in kindergarten/elementary school today come out of college, find the values of its cultural roots, and take a strong hold, and the classical phylosophies and literaure/arts based onthat with five thpusands histories will become dominant again, while still
absorb the importted values, only with a screening mechanism to only those makes sense.

next we shall discuss about the contemporary arts responding to the chinese contemporary culture