in any society of human beings, people follow certain protocols.

if you ride a motorcylce in the street, another motorcyclist coming into your direction, you would stick your left arm out to lower position with either thumb up or all five fingers out to signal hello to the other guy who will do the same. now that is a protocol. this is for mortocycle riders’ social group

or if you are riding a racing bicycle in the street, another cyclist came out of no where and came up to you.
typically he/she would not ask you if could join you, he/she may ask you if you want to lead or let the other lead so two of you become a team…

now that is another protocol, it is for the bicyclist social group

if you drive your vehicle in Maine, or some where west of texas, where you barely see any oncoming cars. once you do see another driver, you would wave at the oncoming vehicle
regardless. again, this is protocol, and it is for drivers in communities of large area but small populations

now, we have social dress code that also has protocols too.
when people failed to follow the protocols otherwise deemed as widely accepted, other members of the society may see you as weird, different or foreign.

for instance, if you go to ballet theater or the grand opera house in downtown houston, you typically would dress up. but if you are to see the off-broadway shows at hobby center in houston, or to the symphany orchestra/recital performance in the same area, you may not necessarily dres up that much.

this is not about being trendy, but being appropriate.

if you show up at a beach party, you need to be in a sort fo casual dressy:guys may be in suits or ven ties, (depends on atirre requirement) but light color pants and perhaps sneakers or golf shoes, dress watch or sports watch…for ladies, perhaps light color skirts and casual blouse…cool shades (sun glasses)

if you show up at an art gallery opening party, you would want to look artisticaly conservetive: dress shirt or even a suit (not full set or 3 piece set but “sport jacket”) without tie but a piece of silk scarf on your neck, slacks and dress shoes. this is if you are not another artist. definitely dress watch. there you want to have wine not beer. for ladies, you could be also artistically conservetive or be dramatically statement making: from all clasical color coodination to anti culture eye ball catching, depends on what you want people take you for…

if you are going for an interview, you want to dress very consertively, unless the job offer is an artist or other creative type….

for guys, always dark suit (navy blue or gray), white dress shirt with a conservetive tie, dress shoes and dress watch. two things to shine: your shoes and your hair

for ladies, dark suit on top, while silk blouse under,
conservetively colorful skirt, black high heel, not too much but some simple neckless helps, definitely dress watch

if you are showing up at a company formal party, or client’s party, make sure you are always in business suits and dress shoes.

if you are attending special event parties, also understand the nature to determine formal or casual.

it always help to have a pair of light color slack to go with navy blue jacket with dress shirt under (put your tie in pocket just in case) if you are not sure about the dress code. full set dark suit or black suit may easily over dress. for ladies, always have drak blouse and colorfull skirt with jewlery and silk scarf ready to make it formal or dress down that you can go either way by changing your shoes (high heel or sneaker)

remember, it is more important to be occasion appropriate than to be trendy.

i am willing and readu to address any questions.