put the thoughts together yesterday, now i am rolling out the format as it is today. i may do some changes later.

I Am Watching You


As a piece of dirt,
Picked up by your shoe sole,
Traveled with you on the same planet
Each and every step pacing the earth soil

Flooded by the tears of brand new wives parting with their army men
Whispered to the lost souls of new casualties of wars, all that empty words…
Eye witnessed losses of civilian lives to natural disasters and car accidents
Observed toddlers walking their first steps in the proud eyes of their mothers

Left then behind your dancing and diminishing shadow
Stayed tracing and linking the chain of your lonely foot prints
Listening quietly to the chirping birds in sun rises
Watching silently the lovers wandering into the woods in moon lights

Recorded the excitements and ambitions of new college graduates
Heard ghosts weeping for the material possessions separated at deaths
Attested to joys of wedding parties and festive family reunions
Shared all the sorrows of departed relatives/friends loved and missed

Walked one time among you in the same physical world
I used to be such a cute baby before turned a talented teen
My young body trembled in the soul touching music of true emotions
Played by the girls shared and treasured the same precious moments.

The white haired lady with her fragile body foiled by that window
Awaited the holiday times with her loving family known only to her own circle
Deeply Locked in her private memories was her first embarrassing kiss
Along with the childish dream knitted in presence of those twinkling stars

I am watching you
Wherever and whatever you are
Awaiting the ultimate reunion
For one more dance on our last date