Rising above, up, up and up…
From my own cold body lying quietly in that coffin
Roaming about the city midair, light and transparent,
Floating around the planet beyond the clouds enjoying the new “me”

Looking down with a strange and funny feeling
Over my new house, my beloved and that weird old dog of theirs
The familiar faces of those acquainted came to pay their last respect
Before they follow me to the cemetery watching me get buried and separated

I was young & cute
Until became grumpy and old
I chased after all the rainbows of my dreams
Came through a long way before dropped at the end of the road

I was most time happy
I was sometimes sad
I was neither stupid nor smart
I know I was just as glad

I was pouring my heart out and loved
I was also tenderly cared and honestly loved
I was part of preciously cherished memories of the special someone
I know for so many times my heart was deeply touched

I was neither wealthy nor poor
I was never lucky enough to have hit a jackpot
I was all the time away from fortune and fame
I know I was never a money slave nor a snob

I may have had a short life,
No mater how long would it have extended to
I made sure I could enjoy every part of it and I did
Wish you all could enjoy yours too