

昨天网上看season 2 disc 1 from netflix

shane, 剧中8岁的小男孩开始发育并且开始手淫。单亲妈妈必须给儿子进行性教育。但是,妈妈实在不好break the ice.

ANDY叔叔就主动上阵来教育:目的是让害羞的侄儿不再 masterbate后用袜子搽JJ,然后把袜子扔到马桶里,因为这样需要很贵的plumber service.



1。小鸡鸡,有了变化,就是when you rub it, you will get wet italian. Sock is not a option, plus you want soft and tender. Sock is expensive, after you done with it, put them in toilet is worse choice.

so tissue is good. Or even better is to use banana skin.

Later Shane is upset. Because all the male student in his class can get a handjob from a girl. He can not. He come to ask help from his Uncle Andy. Uncle Andy took him to a Massage parlor and buy him a blow job.


我最爱得女主角:better than Serra Jessica Parker.

Mary-Louise Parker,《Weeds》(Showtime)