看不懂就查书. 翻译: 什么是”科学”
看争论中医是不是"科学"的贴子不太懂, 主要因为不太明白什么是"科学", 所以查询了一下. 翻的不好, 敬请各位斧正. 原文在: http://atheism.about.com/library/FAQs/evo/blfaq_sci_what.htm

科学的定义为人们带来了一些问题.大家似乎都知道什么是科学,但实际上很难阐明它. 然而, 这样做,有助于真正了解什么是科学什么不是科学. 认识科学,是有必要的,因为它在现代社会有不可思议的力量和影响力. 对科学的无知实在不是一项可行的选择.

对科学的经典的定义简单的讲是"知道"的状态,特别是理论知识, 而非具体的实用知识. 在中世纪, "科学"与"艺术"这个给实用知识的词是可以互换使用. 因此,"文科"和"人文科学"的意思基本上相同.

现代词典有一些不同, 它提供了若干方法来定义”科学”这个名词:

这些定义可适用于许多目的. 而其他词典复杂的定义使他们最终流于肤浅甚至误导. 它们只提供最起码的关于科学的本质的资料. 如此一来,上述定义可以用来辩称即使星象或用卜杖探寻水源都可称为"科学"

从其他各项事业区分现代科学需要特别注重其方法论. 也就是它如何找到结果的手段. 基本上,以科学方法获取的认识身边宇宙的知识是可靠的, 认为不错误的. 这种知识既包括对发生事物的描述和为什么它会发生的解释.

知识是可靠的,因为它可以被不断测试 - 重大科学是相互依存的,这意味着任何科学试验测试等内容都伴随着在同一时间对其相关观念的测试. 知识不是不犯错的, 因为没有一刻科学家假设他们已经到达了最后真理.


科学有时还可以被解释为一类或团体的知识.当这个词被用时,讨论者通常只注意自然科学(天文、地质学)或生物科学(动物学、植物学). 这是亦称"实证科学",有别于"正规科学",这涵盖了数学、形式逻辑.

最后,科学是常常用来指科学家和研究人员这些做社会科学工作的人. 正是这批人,通过科学实践,科学有效地界定什么是科学及如何做.科学哲学家试图描述科学的理想追求是什么样子的、但科学家们才真的会建立它的样子.

The definition of science poses some problems for people. Everyone seems to have an idea of what science is, but actually articulating it proves to be difficult. Doing so, however, is necessary to understand what science really is and what science is not. Understanding science is, in turn, necessary because of its incredible power and influence in modern society. Ignorance about science simply isn’t a viable option.

The classical definition of science is simply the state of "knowing" - specifically theoretical knowledge as opposed the practical knowledge. In the Middle Ages the term "science" came to be used interchangeably with "arts," the word for such practical knowledge. Thus, "liberal arts" and "liberal sciences" meant basically the same thing.

Modern dictionaries are a bit more specific than that and offer a number of different ways in which the term science can be defined:

The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.
Methodological activity, discipline, or study
An activity that appears to require study and method

For many purposes, these definitions can be adequate, but like so many other dictionary definitions of complex subjects, they are ultimately superficial and misleading. They only provide the barest minimum of information about the nature of science. As a consequence, the above definitions can be used to argue that even astrology or dowsing qualify as "science."

Distinguishing modern science from other endeavors requires focusing in particular on its methodology - the means by which it achieves results. Fundamentally, then, science can be characterized as a method of obtaining reliable - thought not infallible - knowledge about the universe around us. This knowledge includes both descriptions of what happens and explanations of why it happens.

The knowledge is reliable because it is continually tested and retested - much of science is heavily interdependent, which means that any test of any scientific idea entails testing other, related ideas at the same time. The knowledge is not infallible, because at no point do scientists assume that they have arrived at a final, definitive truth.