Pierre Mornell is a psychiatrist. Ever since NBC started "Frasier", I always have a thing for psychiatrists, male or female. That’s why I actually sat through the whole movie of "The Devil wears Prada", although I normally give precisely a rat’s ass about Meryl Streep’s performance.

Enough of the ranting, "45 EFFECTIVE WAYS FOR HIRING SMART: How to Predict Winners and Losers in the Incredibly Expensive People-Reading Game" by Pierre Mornell is a reasonably good book on hiring the right people.

找到合适的MANAGERS与找到合适的PARTNERS一样, 不是很容易.这本书的办法是一个分阶段的SCREENING PROCESS. 这倒不算什么独得之见.难得的是书中的一些小伎俩, 有的实用性很强. 比如他一个STRATEGY是 "Meet the Spouse", 就是在一个 More Relaxed environment(such as over dinner) 里, 通过观察CANDIDATES 和他/她最亲近的人的 Interaction, 从而Facilitate the Hiring Decision-Making Process. 我曾运用这个办法 Weeded out a couple of candidates.

这本书的缺点是它提出的办法大多太费时间,所以不适合 MASS HIRING.
