
my own experience (used to love ONS)

chat up 3 girls in the lobby of Grand Hyatt. they are best friends celebrating a brunette’s assignment to China. flew to Beijing with the blonde next day; enjoyed home treatment from the brunette next week; hooked up with the other blonde on my next trip.

confidence! confidence! and confidence! this is the only thing missing from local guys. if there is enough interest, i will fill you in on how I corrected the brunette’s misconception about Chinese guys…..

more points below for fun reading
Do not agree with the bias assumption, since i get to know them well and we are still in touch 3 years later.

Confidence rule applies to all nationalities, Not just Chinese men. Women from different racial/country background are attractive to confident and interesting men, onshore or aboard.

I mentioned this particular case because of a conversation about Chinese men on my first date with the brunette. She is beautiful and she knew it (she once turned down the advance from a big name US movie star) Her Chinese colleagues wanted to date her. But no one came clean with his intention. She was saying ‘Chinese men were mentally weak…’ I proved her wrong with a small experiement.

I am a single sample point that connected with many data points. a few onshore stories for you to make your own judgment??

1. met a London girl at JFK. she traded her first class seat for a business next to me. Before we arrived in Heathrow, I received a invitation to her home and she proved to me that she is a ‘real’ blonde.

2. a colleague had a party at home when her parents were on a diplomatic mission. she called me for dinner 3 days later. i was stunned to see her younger sister there telling me that she wanted to know me better since i was the most interesting guy there. She is so beautiful that I almost felt guilty witnessiing her transition from an English Lily to brown sugar in a trip to Africa

3. more to provide upon request only


I am average looking old man

I also found that young professionals in China tend to confuse being arrogant with being confident. Some posts here made me grin for sure.



i read about a lot of long discussions/analysis at this site. They remind me of soemthing in our business ‘people make money, trade; people can not, teach’

I am relaxing between reading business related stuff. Thus I have a bit time and an urge to share some personal experience. Just a spur of moment thing…

I was prepared to receive critism from female readers. So far, very few showed interest. Maybe Chinese women are more mature than I thought after all.