






VENTURE CAPITAL has evolved into the financial art of transforming innovative ideas into monetary fortunes. Unlike traditional venture firms, China Venture Capital embraces the five crucial elements of entrepreneurial business that will enhance the success rate of investors, innovators, venture partners and other stakeholders in a new business venture. Only by leveraging both financial capital and various human capital will a new business enterprise thrive and survive in today’s competitive global marketplace. In addition to providing financial capital, ChinaVC integrates the five elements of entrepreneurial success to enable entrepreneurs to more effectively implement and realize their vision while giving the investors the confidence to invest and better visibility in their investment companies.


ENTREPRENEURIAL CAPITAL Entrepreneurship has been well publicized recently in the press and academic papers. However, there have been different opinions regarding the ingredients to a successful venture and the entrepreneurial characteristics possessed by the successful entrepreneurs. China Venture Capital believes that the five elements of a promising new venture are the foundation to the success and viability of a company. We look for entrepreneurs who are determined, passionate and energetic, creative and adaptive. These are professional entrepreneurs who are visionaries with strong desire and determination to fulfill their vision no matter how many obstacles they may have to overcome. In addition, our entrepreneurs are highly intelligent and energetic leaders who can inspire people around them, adapt to changes, and surround themselves with the brightest people, turning vision into market leadership while enriching all the stakeholders supporting their venture.

If you are this type of entrenched entrepreneur with a solid business plan and are seeking venture capital between $100,000 and $2 Million, then please send your business plan and team description to: [email protected]. Due to numerous business plans that we receive, we do not sign NDA’s.


KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL While the entrepreneurial spirit and determination can jump start a business venture, vertical expertise of the targeted industry is crucial to guarantee the soundness of the business plan and to the understanding of the internal dynamics of a particular industry. Upon China’s entry into WTO, services verticals such as Banking, Insurance, and Securities and technology and healthcare verticals such as IT, Bio-tech and Pharmaceuticals will undergo tremendous changes, creating significant business opportunities for people with vertical expertise and the foresight to leverage that expertise. We also believe the convergence of media, entertainment and technology will create new markets and generate rich and dynamic experiences for consumers.

Experts will be paid in terms of consulting fees, equity participation, or a combination of both. We welcome people with the in-depth industry experience to join us and complement our business ventures teams. Contact us at [email protected].


TECHNOLOGY CAPITAL If Knowledge Capital can be considered vertical expertise, then Technology Capital can be considered horizontal expertise. Technology, particularly Information Technology, is pervasive in almost every industry, making it an indispensable element in any competitive company. Technology, if deployed properly, can give a young innovative company a real competitive edge that will allow it to leap frog its traditional competitors. A clear example of this is Ebay versus Sotheby’s. In just three years, the young public life of Ebay, Ebay’s stock rose 600% while Sotheby’s share price stagnated. Ebay’s market value (at $16 Billion) in mid-November 2001 was 20 times that of the century-old Sotheby’s. And Ebay’s online initiative continues to penetrate the high end auction sectors, eroding Sotheby’s very core business. There is no turning back!

Given the importance and pervasiveness of the Information Technology, we welcome people with in-depth technology and Internet experience (from front-end design to systems and programming) to join us and complement the other four elements of success.


NETWORK CAPITAL Network Capital has become an important element to success in today’s ever-interdependent global marketplace. With trade tariffs and barriers coming down in many major markets around the world, effective access to financial and human capital and information around the world can be a significant competitive advantage in today’s ever changing global markets. Our network capital comprising of CNVC partners, venture partners, portfolio companies, service providers, and other strategic partners, provides collective value-added strength that will increase the value of each stakeholder within the network. China Venture Capital’s global network of contacts and resources can help entrepreneurs succeed in today’s interlaced global marketplace.