What We Do: Web Application Security
MeshFire is the world’s first grid firewall as a plug-and-play appliance for security, auditing, access control and monitoring the whole grid of your Web applications and services. Meshfire provides multiple functions including HTTP(s) Web application security firewalls, XACML policy-based application access control, intrusion detection and prevention, XML-messaging for event log archiving and analysis, and integration with third-party authentication and authorization servers like XACML/SAML, LDAP, Radius, AD, UDDI, etc.

Differentiation: Whole Grid, not Single Node
Most other application security vendors provide single-node-based products, whereas MeshFire offers a large-scale distributed Web application security appliance that securely connects, monitors, audits and controls thousands of Web servers in open XML standards. The appliance uses high-performance purpose-built dedicated hardware to implement massive multithreading servers for Web application security enforcement, audit, and policy control. The grid capability makes MeshFire stand out from competitors in securing the entire e-business Web environments, since there exists a big jump from a software tool to MeshFire’s grid-based large-scale distributed MeshOS and grid firewall. The sophisticated skills and large development efforts in massive multithreading technology have built a high barrier to entry.

Customer Benefits: One Appliance for Heterogenous Environment
MeshFire grid firewall appliance can see what each point-based product cannot see. MeshFire XML-based open standards enable easy plug-and-play of heterogeneous applications and devices, and thus relieve IT administrators from headaches in securing hundreds or thousands of different Web servers, application servers, applications and services. With such a pain-killer appliance, IT administrators can focus on core e-business values, instead of drowning in large number of configuration files, policy rules, frequent changes/updates, vulnerability scan results, hacker intrusion and attacks, worm outbreaks, false alarms, ocean of event logs, etc.

MeshFire - world's first grid firewall