
昨晚饭时, 照常打开电视, 恰好2011央视的新年晚会, 突然漫入耳中的好声音吸引了我, 旋律熟悉而优美, 原来"传奇"还可以唱的更美…:))



面食很少做, 这个得承认水平有待提高, 因为觉得和面和麻烦, 包饺子只会包不会擀皮, 嘿嘿. 话说上个周末, 突然想吃韭菜馅饼了, 就买来韭菜, 肉馅儿, 加上鸡蛋, 调料一拌, 整点面就开包, 皮让我擀的3扁4不圆的, 结果就整出了这么一个浪漫来, 天意啊..嘿嘿..

BTW, 真的很好吃啊!

心形 :mrgreen:

Fairy Tale


It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face
You only had to look at me and I was yours
And then I turned and you were nowhere to be seen
You had walked away and closed the door

When will I see you again
When will the sky stop to rain
When will [all] the stars shine again
When will this hurt start to end
Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?
[And] when we were both a
thousand years away
Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?
And did we make every minute last
another day?

That cold December night I gave my
That cold December night I gave my heart to you
[And] by the summer you were gone
Now as the days grow old and [all] the stars start to dim
All I have are memories and this song
When will I see you again
When will the sky stop to rain
When will [all] the stars shine again
When will this hurt start to end

Did I ever meet you in the warmth of the sunshine?
[And] when we were both a
thousand years away
Did I ever hold you in the glow of the moon light?
And did we make every minute last another day?
It was in that misty morning when I saw your smiling face