
自以为是个seemingly confident 其实 very self-critical的矛盾混合体,总是被自己的ego给弄得非常confused (bad bad bad! :( ). 时不时会跟人聊天后自我剖析自我批评:“是不是哪儿说的不合适了?” “是不是显得特boring?” "哎呀,怎么自己那么多话?" “怎么自己话题/经历这么贫乏?” …

儿即便有时候是个loner也挺能乐呵 :) …自从跟老公接触,他会时不时提醒我,这儿的小不当那儿的小不妥,我慢慢注意后发现好像确实很多地方可以更替别人着想而不显得那么气盛张扬 :roll: 也确实,现在我们的朋友是比以前我自己的朋友多的多。不过,我从小就不是“低调”的人啊,结果搞得现在变得很是self-critical (这个倾向2,3年前就很明显,当然,也不能全怪老公,我给了他暗示 - his way of doing things and making friends is better :roll: ).后来总觉得被小格子卡着似的,很不痛快,改不了形性,却挣脱不出来 :( 有时候跟老公说起来他还很surprised,说我没自信,怎么可能? :shock: 靠!还不都是这家伙老说我说的?真想哪天休了他算了,一块儿过了这么多年了还时不时伤我自尊心 :x 不过这是最亲的人,休了划不来了(调侃啦,呵呵。感情投资太多,ROI还没收到什么实际的呢,休了岂不太亏 :mrgreen:

上面罗嗦了一大堆,有感而发… :( 因为刚才跟client 电话关于一个potential role fit,已经是第三次类似conversation完后自己加一句“even if it doesn’t work out this time, I’m sure we’ll come across roads in the future as I’d really see myself continue to work in xxyyzz industry…”上两次说完这些也很是pissed off,决定以后一定不这么说显得太没自信(确实心里不是很有底啦)结果这次又这样! :oops:

不过文章写到一半接到电话,说我被这个客户佣了,有些出乎意料…还是会乐颠儿颠儿的准备pack晚上开车去Charlotte,明天就去新项目报告,终于结束一个月的on-bench勒,training起来心里没底,虽然薪水一分钱不少,不过end of day, feel like doing nothing, no feeling of accomplishment :?

Yeah, I’ve got so much time again to look inside and over analyze myself, which is not good typically, hehe…Anyhow, finally time to get busy and avoid seeking clarity.

Oh, I’ve been doing "Burn & Firm" Pilates for more than a week, and would be happy to see my progress :mrgreen:

目标是练出腹部abs,健身健康减掉15lb。随便套了个Tee,没穿健身衣,以后贴对比时照再说 :x