
Wins in key battleground states put Sen. Barack Obama over the top in a hard-fought presidential race, eliminating rival Sen. John McCain’s path to the White House.

Sen. McCain’s defeat in Ohio followed losses in Florida, Pennsylvania, New Mexico and New Hampshire, swing states he was hoping to secure for the Republican column.

With the victory, Sen. Obama becomes the nation’s 44th president elect, riding a tide of voter discontent with the economy, the war in Iraq and eight years of Republican White House rule. A victory after an epic two-year campaign alters the racial dynamics of a country that has long struggled with questions of color.

It also ushers in a period of dominance for Democrats in Washington for the first time since the early years of Bill Clinton’s first term. In early returns, Democrats had already captured several Republican-held Senate seats in New Hampshire, North Carolina, New Mexico and Virginia. Democrats were also gunning to increase their margins in the House.

Fierce Headwinds

If the final results turn out as projected, Sen. Obama’s party will control both houses of Congress as well as the White House, setting the scene for Democrats to push an ambitious agenda from health care to financial regulation. These plans will face fierce headwinds from the sour economy and giant budget deficits.

Sen. Obama’s campaign was built on record fund-raising and a vast national campaign network. He would enter office with a long policy wish list that includes ending the war in Iraq, implementing a near-universal health-insurance plan and finding alternatives to Middle Eastern oil. His ability to implement these plans will be constrained by the stuttering economy, which could be in recession, and continuing financial crisis.

Many of these promises are expensive and could be complicated by record budget deficits, a looming entitlement crisis as the Baby Boom generation retires.

The preliminary results suggest a startling turnaround from just four years ago, when Republicans controlled Congress and the White House, and benefited from a conservative majority on the Supreme Court. The party’s intellectual leaders spoke of a permanent Republican majority in Washington.

Overall, voters went to the polls in a sour mood about the economy, the war in Iraq and President George W. Bush, all factors working in Sen. Obama’s favor. It would have been an uphill struggle for any Republican.

Sen. Obama also took Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin, Democratic-leaning states where Sen. McCain competed, believing his record of crossing party lines would win over independents and some Democrats.

Sen. Obama won in traditionally Democratic turf across the Northeast and elsewhere. He took

New York, Connecticut, Vermont, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, his home state of Illinois and the District of Columbia.

Sen. McCain won, as expected, in

Oklahoma, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, South Carolina and Wyoming, as well as North Dakota and Georgia, two states Sen. Obama reached for.

National exit poll results found Sen. Obama won two-thirds of Hispanics and more than two-thirds of voters aged 18 to 29. He took 96% of black voters, who increased their share of the electorate from 11% to 13%. He took one in four evangelical votes, up from 21% for Democrat John Kerry in 2004.

Sen. Obama won among women but lost among men, national exit polls show. And he won among independents but divided the suburban vote.

Helping Sen. Obama: Democrats make up a larger share of the electorate this year than they did four years ago, when equal numbers of voters identified as Democrats and as Republicans. This time, 40% said they were Democrats and just 32% said they were Republicans.

Eighty-five percent of all voters said they were very or somewhat worried about the nation’s economy, with eight in 10 worried that the economic crisis would harm their family’s finances over the next year, according to early exit-poll results. Just 20% of voters said the country was generally going in the right direction. The economy was far and away the No. 1 issue for voters.

Sen. McCain struggled to connect on both economic and foreign policy. Half of all voters said they expected their taxes to go up no matter who wins, despite a campaign by Sen. McCain to paint his rival as a tax raiser. And while Sen. McCain repeatedly argued that the U.S. is winning the war in Iraq, more than six in 10 voters disapproved of the war.

Voters were more likely to say that Sen. McCain has the experience for the job than Sen. Obama. But voters were more likely to say that Sen. Obama was in touch with people like them, and had the right judgment to make a good president.

Amazing Race

Tuesday’s voting brought to a close the longest and most expensive presidential campaign in U.S. history, with the general election costing about $1.6 billion, double the 2004 presidential race, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. After nearly two years of campaigning, Americans were set to make history, whatever the outcome.

The race featured the first woman, Sen. Hillary Clinton, to seriously contend for a party nomination. Gov. Sarah Palin became the first woman to appear on the Republican ticket. And Sen. Obama broke ground as the first black party nominee for president.

Americans went to the polls in what were expected to be record numbers, including the 30% of all voters who voted early. In total, voter-registration numbers were up 7.3% compared with the last presidential election, for a total of 153 million eligible voters.

The race also featured the most extensive use yet of the Internet. Online social networks spread the campaign to corners of the country that had never before experienced such intense electioneering.

Last-Minute Push

Sen. Obama began the day by casting his own ballot in his hometown of Chicago with his wife, Michelle, and their two daughters, Malia, 10 years old, and Sasha, 7, looking on.

In Phoenix, Sen. McCain and his wife, Cindy, cast their ballots at Albright United Methodist Church, as supporters outside cheered him on.

Months in the Making

Sen. Obama launched his candidacy on the statehouse steps of Springfield, Ill., nearly two years ago. He was a freshman senator known mainly for a keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention and a best-selling book. The son of a white woman from Kansas and a Kenyan immigrant who once herded goats, the relative newcomer came with a foreign-sounding name and associations that would prove to be chronic liabilities.

His spiritual adviser, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, had issued incendiary sermons from the pulpit of Sen. Obama’s church. A convicted felon, Tony Rezko, helped him purchase a Chicago home. And Republicans tried to tie Sen. Obama to an associate and neighbor, William Ayers, a domestic terrorist in the 1960s.

With that baggage, he took on one of the most powerful names in Democratic politics, Sen. Clinton, defeating her after a long primary fight. Sen. Obama’s campaign beat the Clinton machine by going where she was not, racking up victories in states such as Idaho, Kansas and Wyoming.

His general election campaign pitted him against a Republican with a reputation for bucking his party. Sen Obama stuck to two themes relentlessly: Sen. McCain, he said, offered a third term for President Bush, while he was the agent of change.

Sen. McCain, the son and grandson of four-star admirals, came to national fame 35 years ago as a prisoner in the Vietnam War. He turned to politics after injuries sustained in captivity prevented him from flying.

He first ran for president in 2000, losing in the GOP primary to Mr. Bush. In preparing for the 2008 contest, Sen. McCain worked to establish himself as the front-runner.

His campaign was large and expensive and nearly collapsed in July 2007. He began again with a barebones operation. He ran as a promoter of the war in Iraq at a time when it was deeply unpopular. He pushed for and then backed the early 2007 surge in troops that turned out to be an important factor in the country’s turnaround.

The choice of Gov. Palin thrilled conservatives but turned off other voters, especially the independents he would need. Exit polls Tuesday found that six in 10 voters said she is not qualified to be president should it become necessary. Those voters overwhelmingly favored Sen. Obama for president.

But Sen. McCain struggled to find a message that would resonate, running at various times as the experienced insider, a maverick who would shake up Washington, a bipartisan conciliator and a tough-minded ‘Country First’ war hero.

On Monday, as he has often before, Sen. McCain told the crowd the story of how many Arizonans had run and lost their races for president, including Sen. Goldwater, the late Rep. Morris Udall, and former Gov. Bruce Babbitt.

‘Arizona might be the only state in America where mothers don’t tell their children that someday they can grow up and be president of the United States,’ he said, reprising one of his favorite quips.

Laura Meckler / Jonathan Weisman

▀ 奥巴马赢得历史性胜利 当选美国总统

在俄亥俄、宾夕法尼亚和佛罗里达这几个关键州获得的胜利令奥巴马(Barack Obama)在激烈的总统选战中取得领先,杜绝了竞选对手麦凯恩(John McCain)入主白宫的可能。





奥巴马的当选也会开创民主党人统领华盛顿的时代,这将是自比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)首届任期头几年以来的第一次。















全国投票后进行的民调结果显示,三分之二的拉美裔选民投票支持奥巴马,而年龄在18- 29岁之间的选民中这一比例超过三分之二。他得到了96%的黑人选民支持,黑人选民占总选民比例从11%上升至13%。新教徒中有25%的人投票给奥巴马,高于2004年大选中投给民主党候选人克里的21%。







尽责政治中心(Center for Responsive Politics)称,周二的投票标志着可能是美国历史上持续时间最长,也最为昂贵的总统选举。此次大选花费的总额约为16亿美元,是2004年大选的两倍。经过了近两年的竞选活动后,无论结果如何,美国人都会创造历史。

这次大选有首位激烈角逐党内提名的希拉里(Hillary Clinton),有首位成为共和党副总统候选人的女性佩林(Sarah Palin)。奥巴马也历史性地成为首位黑人总统候选人。





在凤凰城,麦凯恩和他的妻子辛迪(Cindy)在Albright United Methodist教堂参加了投票,外面的支持者一直在向他欢呼。


大约两年前,奥巴马在伊利诺伊州首府斯普林菲尔德市的州议会大楼前的台阶上宣布将参加竞选。当时他还是一位资历很浅的参议员,公众对他的了解也主要限于他在 2004年民主党全国大会上的主旨演讲和所写的一本畅销书。奥巴马的母亲是堪萨斯州的白人,父亲是曾以放牧山羊为生的肯尼亚移民,初涉政坛的奥巴马名字听起来有些外国味,他结交的各种人在以后的岁月中也常常拖他的后腿。

奥巴马的前牧师杰瑞米亚•赖特(Jeremiah Wright )曾在教会讲坛上做出煽动性的布道。一位已被判刑的重犯托尼•雷兹科(Tony Rezko)在他在芝加哥买房子时帮过忙。共和党派还试图指出奥巴马和他的朋友也是邻居的威廉•艾尔斯(William Ayers)有牵连。艾尔斯是上世纪六十年代美国的一个恐怖分子。








周一,如往常一样,麦凯恩对选民说,亚利桑那人有太多次竞选总统而败北的经历,包括古德沃特(Goldwater)、已经去世的优戴尔(Morris Udall)和前州长巴比特(Bruce Babbitt)。


Laura Meckler / Jonathan Weisman