
In a further sign of the U.S. government’s get-tough approach with banks, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. threatened to seize Wachovia Corp. last month if it didn’t find a buyer, passed on an initial government-assisted takeover by Wells Fargo & Co. and rejected an 11th-hour option that would have allowed the Charlotte, N.C., bank to remain independent, according to a Wells Fargo securities filing Friday.

The FDIC also was a central player in Wells Fargo’s surprise re-emergence as the winning bidder on Oct. 3, edging out Citigroup Inc.

The details offer fresh evidence of a government strategy of trying to rid the banking industry of its weakest performers.

This approach, employed in recent takeovers of Wachovia, Seattle thrift Washington Mutual Inc. and Cleveland-based National City Corp., has drawn some criticism as the Treasury moves to shore up certain banks. In agreeing to acquire National City last month, Pittsburgh-based PNC Financial Services Group Inc. used a federal pledge of $7.7 billion in new capital and potentially billions more in tax savings, prompting Ohio politicians to ask why National City was not offered the same sort of U.S. assistance.

‘It is still unclear what factors, terms and conditions Treasury and the various regulators are using to make capital investment decisions,’ Ohio Sen. George Voinovich said in an Oct. 30 letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. Without a clearer explanation, the senator added, ‘people start questioning whether Treasury officials are picking winners and losers.’

Wachovia’s problems emerged before the Treasury rescue plan was available. In mid-September, management and the board considered an array of alternatives: selling core assets, raising $10-15 billion of new capital, offering an investor 20%-40% of Wachovia’s voting shares or combining with another company. But after negotiations with two different merger partners didn’t work out and a potential deal with the new investor fell through, Wachovia went into the weekend of Sept. 27-28 with concerns about a deposit runoff and its ability to fund its banking activities on Monday, the 29th. If Wachovia couldn’t find a partner by the 29th, management told its board, the FDIC would place the company’s bank subsidiaries into receivership.

The bank’s two remaining options were Citigroup Inc. and Wells Fargo. Citigroup Chief Executive Officer Vikram Pandit had already placed four unsolicited calls to Wachovia in recent weeks to explore a possible transaction, and Wells Fargo Chairman Richard Kovacevich had first discussed the topic with Wachovia CEO Robert Steel on Sept. 20, according to the securities filing.


美国政府进一步显示出对银行采取强硬手段的迹象。根据富国银行(Wells Fargo & Co.)上周五提交的证券监管文件,美国联邦存款保险公司(Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., 简称FDIC)上月曾威胁,如果Wachovia Corp.不能找到买家,将会接管这家银行,仍由政府扶持富国银行进行收购,并拒绝了允许该银行保持独立的一个应急选择。

FDIC还在10月3日富国银行异军突起、出人意料地战胜花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)成为收购的获胜者中发挥了核心作用。


在财政部正在采取措施改善某些银行的境遇之际,最近在收购Wachovia、西雅图储蓄机构Washington Mutual Inc.和克利夫兰National City Corp.的过程中采取的这种做法已经招致了一些批评。在上月同意收购National City的交易中,匹兹堡的PNC Financial Services Group Inc.获得了联邦注资77亿美元的承诺,并可能获得数十亿美元的税收减免,这令俄亥俄州的政界人士质问National City为何没有获得同样的联邦资助。

俄亥俄州参议员沃诺维奇(George Voinovich)在10月30日致信财政部长鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)称,难以了解财政部和各类监管机构在作出资本投资决策时考虑了哪些因素、采取了怎样的条款。他说,如果没有更清楚的解释,人们会开始质疑财政部的官员是否在挑选赢家和输家。

Wachovia 的问题出现在财政部救助计划实施之前。9月中旬,该行的管理层和董事会就在考虑多种选择:出售核心资产、筹集100亿至150亿美元的新资金、向投资者发售Wachovia 20%-40%的有投票权股票或是同另外一家公司合并。但在与两家潜在合并伙伴的商谈无果而终、与新投资者达成交易的可能性也宣告破裂之后, Wachovia在9月27日至28日的周末期间经历了对存款挤兑和在周一(9月29日)能否有资金从事正常银行活动的担忧。管理层向董事会表示,如果 Wachovia不能在9月29日找到买家,FDIC将会接管该公司的银行业务。

Wachovia剩下的两个选择是花旗集团和富国银行。根据提交的证券监管文件,花旗首席执行长潘伟迪(Vikram Pandit)那几周里已经四次主动致电Wachovia,寻求交易的可能性;富国银行董事长柯瓦希维奇(Richard Kovacevich)也在9月20日首次与Wachovia首席执行长斯蒂尔(Robert Steel)讨论了这一问题。

在周末开始时,柯瓦希维奇愿意考虑在没有任何政府支持的情况下收购Wachovia,但在周日(9月28日)下午7点左右又放弃了这一想法,称留给他考虑的时间太少了。FDIC董事长希拉•拜尔(Sheila Bair)感到Wachovia的问题给美国银行体系造成了“系统性”风险,她告知Wachovia,自己愿意尝试由FDIC协助在未来几个小时内达成收购交易。



FDIC 在次日凌晨4点对上述两个选项全部予以拒绝,它支持在政府协助下Wachovia将其银行子公司出售给花旗,而FDIC则会就Wachovia的某项贷款组合向花旗提供保护。据富国银行的上述文件称,如果Wachovia的董事会在当天早晨6:30举行的会议上没有接受这一安排,FDIC早就将 Wachovia的银行子公司接管了,而Wachovia现在恐怕也已申请了破产。

当富国银行那一周晚些时候拿出一份收购 Wachovia的新建议时,恰恰是FDIC的董事长拜尔首先通知Wachovia的斯蒂尔,即将有这样一项建议被提出来,而她也“鼓励”斯蒂尔对这一建议予以认真考虑。拜尔还与Wachovia的首席法律顾问讨论了此事,并向富国银行的柯瓦希维奇传话说,Wachovia需要一份能获得其董事会批准的合并协议。


当Wachovia 的董事会10月2日晚11点开会讨论富国银行新提出的收购建议时,他们再度被告知,如果在10月3日前不能签署一项合并协议,FDIC将在即将到来的周末接管该行的银行子公司。在获得董事会的批准后,FDIC的拜尔和Wachovia的斯蒂尔及首席法律顾问一道将Wachovia同意与富国合并的消息通知了花旗的潘迪特。

