

Neel Kashkari was designated as the Interim Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability on October 6, 2008. In this capacity, Mr. Kashkari oversees the Office of Financial Stability including the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

Mr. Kashkari also continues to hold the position of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Economics and Development, but his International Affairs responsibilities are delegated to Assistant Secretary for International Affairs Clay Lowery while Mr. Kashkari serves as Interim Assistant Secretary for Financial Stability.

Mr. Kashkari joined the Treasury Department in July 2006 as Senior Advisor to U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr. In that role, he was responsible for developing the President’s Twenty in Ten energy security plan, enhancing Treasury’s engagement with India, particularly in the area of infrastructure development, and developing and executing the Department’s response to the housing crisis, including the formation of the HOPE NOW Alliance, the development of the subprime fast-track loan modification plan, and Treasury’s initiative to kick-start a covered bond market in the United States.

Prior to joining the Treasury Department, Mr. Kashkari was a Vice President at Goldman, Sachs & Co. in San Francisco, where he led Goldman’s IT Security Investment Banking practice, advising public and private companies on mergers and acquisitions and financial transactions. Prior to his career in finance, Mr. Kashkari was a R&D Principal Investigator at TRW in Redondo Beach, California where he developed technology for NASA space science missions such as the James Webb Space Telescope.


让前高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group)的同事负责美国的经济救助计划?这可真够不同寻常的。

当然,除此之外,也没有什么不正常的。财政部长鲍尔森(Hank Paulson)任命财政部负责国际事务的助理部长尼尔•卡什卡利(Neel Kashkari)担任鲍尔森金融稳定办公室的临时负责人,成为监控7,000亿美元救市计划的关键人物。正式任命需要得到参议院的确认,不过,鉴于本届政府剩下的时间已经不多,正式任命的那天恐怕不会到来了。

此举让2006年进入财政部的卡什卡利在目前的工作之外扮演了一个新的角色。卡什卡利是上周一遭众议院否决的7,000亿美元救助方案的起草人之一。上个周日,他和其他两人一直工作到凌晨4点赶制方案(另外两个人是首席法律顾问罗伯特•霍伊特(Robert Hoyt)和财政部立法事务部助理部长凯文•福劳默(Kevin Fromer))。



他曾获得宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院工商管理硕士。他在沃顿商学院时的教授之一是迈克尔•尤西姆(Michael Useem)。尤西姆喜欢让学生身处残酷的户外运动中,锻炼耐力和策略。卡什卡利2002年在迪克斯堡参加了美国陆军的一次模拟训练,当年《费城询问者报》(Philadelphia Inquirer)的一篇文章曾引用过他的一段话,不但适用于当时他参加的项目,也适用于眼下的金融危机:我们都被教导要注意举止,那么,谁会在沙箱里打仗呢?


鲍尔森喜欢他的周围都是让他感觉轻松的人,这些人大都来自高盛。鲍尔森的亲信包括前高盛银行家杰斯特(Dan Jester)、已退休的高盛银行家夏弗兰(Steve Shafran),后者在高盛时主要负责公司重组业务。另外还有罗伯特•斯蒂尔(Robert Steel),他已离开财政部,成为Wachovia的首席执行长。

卡什卡利获得任命再次显示出了高盛关系网的根深蒂固。实际上,鲍尔森本人也是被前高盛银行家招募的:前白宫办公厅主任博尔顿(Josh Bolten)。博尔顿不顾鲍尔森的不情愿,说服他接受财政部长的工作。当时鲍尔森对这份工作顾虑重重,甚至拒绝同布什总统见面,因为他清楚无法对布什本人说“不”。根据佛瑞德•巴恩斯(Fred Barnes) 2006年在《国际经济》(The International Economy)上发表的一篇文章,鲍尔森还认为布什政府在2007年和2008年无力完成多少金融变革。卡什卡利的新职位表明,鲍尔森当初的这个断言是多大的错误。